Daily Pics, My Comic, and The Times
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the Comic
the Blog
SNL turned 50 Saturday night.

It's now eligible for AARP.


My girlfriend isn't talking to me because apparently I ruined her birthday.

Not sure how I did that...

I didn't even know it was her birthday!


The teacher asked Little Johnny if he knew his numbers.

“Yes,” he said. “My dad taught me.”

“Good. So what comes after eight?”

“Nine,” answered Little Johnny.

“And what comes after nine?”


“And what comes after ten?”

“The Jack.”


Top 5 Signs You're Not Getting Along with your Wife:

When asked, "Who's the Voodoo doll for?," she never responded.

She announced a new "Sex Tariff".

You feel a cold front moving in and it's 75-degrees outside,

Your clothes from the closet on the front lawn again.

New book in the kitchen, "Cooking with Arsenic".


The profession with the highest divorce rate is dancers.

The second things get rough in the marriage, it's not unusual for one of them to just waltz away.

Quote of the Times;
"The business of a New York journalist is to distort the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread."
- John Swinton, editorial writer for the New York Sun, formerly chief editorial writer for the New York Times, 1883

Link of the Times;
Over 75,000 Canadians Died Waiting for Health Care:

Issue of the Times;
Discrediting Our Cause by James Delingpole

“I was all ready to believe that 9/11 was an inside job but then someone mentioned Flat Earth”, said no one ever.

Actually, that’s probably not true. I’m quite prepared to concede that somewhere out there might be at least one person so intellectually spavined, so crippled with insecurity, so prey to groupthink as to have fallen for the logical fallacy that if a person thinks A then they must perforce be wrong about B.

But I don’t believe that’s the way most of us think. Not even dyed-in-wool Normies.

Try this analogy. I call it the Hitler/dogs fallacy.

It’s 1937 and for some unfathomable reason, you’ve been invited for the weekend at the Fuhrer’s lovely mountain retreat in Berchtesgarten. Hitler, you notice, is very attached to his German Shepherd whom he has taught to do all sorts of charming tricks: right paw, left paw, lie down, roll over and pretend you’re dead, etc.

Now, as it so happens, you’ve been thinking of getting a dog yourself. “Would you recommend a German Shepherd?”, you ask your host, in your immaculate German. “Oh yes,” replies Hitler. “Stimmt! They make excellent guard dogs; they are very loyal; but as you can see, despite their reputation for fierceness they can also be very gentle.”

Over this same weekend you’ve chatted to the Fuhrer about all manner of other topics besides dogs: motorways, VWs, vegetarianism, Jews, Bolsheviks, the Stab in the Back betrayal after the First World War, Lives of a Bengal Lancer, degenerate art, etc. Some of this stuff you agreed with him on. Some of his opinions you found a bit iffy.

But I ask you this: did the fact that you disagreed with Hitler on certain issues prevent you from taking him seriously on certain other ones?

My suspicion is not. Few of us - none of us, I would even dare say - is quite that basic. When making a decision about this or that issue any number of factors come into play. Sure, prejudice towards a person’s apparent belief system or their character may play a part in that decision making process. But it’s not necessarily the deciding factor. If it were, none of us would ever have said the thing which we have all said at one time or another: “I never thought I’d hear myself agreeing with Piers Morgan but…”

Anyway, I haven’t quite finished with my tasteless Hitler analogy, much as some of you might wish it. I’ve made the main point, which is that just because Hitler is Hitler doesn’t mean he’s wrong about dogs. But there’s another subsidiary point I wish to make which I believe will cast further useful light on the topic in hand.

So, you get home from Berchtesgarten, and announce to your wife/girlfriend: “We’re getting a German Shepherd.”

“Oh so we’re taking advice from Hitler now are we? Literally advice from Adolf Hitler? Are you mad??”

But you know - as indeed does your partner, if he/she were being strictly honest - that this is just a ploy.

Maybe they’re pissed off that you were invited to Berchtesgarten and they weren’t. Or they’re simply not into the idea of a getting a dog. The Hitler thing is merely a handy excuse that enables them to sidestep the real issue.

And so it is that well-worn line that one hears so often these days from fairweather Awake types - I call them the ‘purple-pilled’ because though they’ve taken the red pill more or less they still want to keep one foot in the blue-pilled camp for old times’ sake - that there are some conspiracy theories out there which are simply beyond the pale. They are so silly, these more outré conspiracy theories, that even to talk about them just discredits ‘our’ cause.

“Oh they do, do they?” I like to ask these purple-pilled arbiters of truth. “And who exactly gave you the authority to declare, Ex Cathedra, which conspiracy theories are legitimate subjects for open-minded consideration and which ones are so self-evidently ridiculous that one can safely dismiss them without so much as a cursory glance?”

Never once have I found any of these purple-pilled types able to give me a satisfactory answer. That’s because there isn’t one.

If you accept - as all the red-pilled must because it is the foundation of Awake awareness - that the world as it has been sold to us is a tissue of lies, half-truths and deceptions, then it naturally follows that everything we think we know about the world is potentially fallacious.

Note that qualifier ‘potentially.’ I’m certainly not suggesting that everything is a lie - because that would mean that there is no such thing as truth. Of course I believe in truth, for it is an expression of the divine, and seeking out that truth is one of our holiest missions. But you’re never going to attain that truth unless you first adopt a position of humility. This means acknowledging that you don’t know everything and being prepared to reassess all the things you thought you knew to be true.

I am now in my late fifties and for most of my life there were various things I believed with absolute certainty: that man had landed (several times) on the moon; that JFK was assassinated by a lone gunman called Lee Harvey Oswald; that the Titanic was sunk by an iceberg; and so on.

More recently, I have to come to realize that the official narrative on all these events has holes in it even bigger than an iceberg through a reinforced steel hull.

I achieved this new understanding by the simple process of looking at the evidence. It was hard won knowledge, as knowledge which contradicts the official version of events invariably is. You’re up against a vast, intricate, well-funded system of organized deception. You are not, for example, just going to be able to type into Google ‘Did man really land on the moon?’ because the algorithms are going to be weighted in favor of telling you that man did. So is the publishing industry. So is the entertainment industry - ‘Giant steps are what you take…walking on the moon’, etc. So are all the ‘respectable’ academics and other ‘expert’ talking heads. Yet, put in the hours and you’ll get there in the end because, as the Earl of Oxford and his scriptorium once so famously put it, the truth will out.

No matter how great the obstacles which have been erected, by conspiratorial design, to prevent you attaining that truth, there’s really only one guaranteed to prevent you from succeeding. That obstacle is the little voice in your head that says: “No, I’m not going to go there. I already know what I know. I don’t need any pesky new evidence which might shake my belief system to its foundations. I’m happy where I am, thank you very much.”

This is how Normies think. They are unwilling to take the first step on to what Neil Kramer calls the ‘Staircase of Disbelief’ because they understand, if even only on a subconscious level, that once they have done so they can never turn back. It’s not outlandish conspiracy theories they fear. It’s ALL conspiracies - for they understand instinctively that this is a zero sum game.

But for anyone of even slightly of a red-pilled persuasion that way of thinking is no longer intellectually tenable. If you have accepted the truth of even one conspiracy theory, no matter what it is, moon landings, JFK, whatever, then you have abnegated the right to declare any other conspiracy off limits.

The reason for this is simple. You have already acknowledged that there are forces out there so corrupt, powerful, devious, entrenched and malign that they have happily and gleefully lied to you about something really big. And if they happily and gleefully lied to you about one really big thing, who are you to say that they haven’t happily and gleefully lied to you about lots of other really big things (and small things) too?

Yes, sure, you can be agnostic about this or that other ‘conspiracy theory’. But what you can no longer do is be dogmatic about its falsehood - at least not until you’ve put in the necessary research, and perhaps not even then.

What usually happens to the purple-pilled when this logical sloppiness has been pointed out to them is that they retreat to their second line of defense.

“Well even if no viruses/flat earth/Paul is dead happen to be true we just shouldn’t go there because it just frightens off the Normies and we need to focus on the issues that matter.”

But this line of defense is at least as weak as the first.

It presupposes that there are commonly agreed ‘issues that matter.’ But there is no such common agreement - as we saw, inter alia, during the ‘Pandemic.’

In the name of pragmatism and unity - ‘Let’s not frighten the horses’, ‘We need to build a broad coalition’, etc - the resistance movement was hijacked by a claque of suspiciously well-organized activist groups like Together which declared that certain areas of discussion should be off limits.

Apparently, it was OK to campaign on issues like ‘vaccine mandates’ and the importance of bodily autonomy. But questioning the safety or efficacy of these ‘vaccines’, or the malign nature of the corrupted institutions pushing them, or the agenda behind the ‘vaccines’, was deemed a step too far because such ‘unproven conspiracy theories’ might alienate potential allies.

So much for the theory behind the strategy. Let’s examine what happened in practice. Here we are, two or three years on, and despite copious evidence - excess deaths, for example - that those purveyors of ‘unproven conspiracy theories’ were right in every detail, still they cannot get a hearing anywhere in the mainstream media. Nor can they get a hearing in what you might call the Officially Designated Alternative Mainstream Media: gatekeepers like GB News, Triggernometry, Spiked, Unherd, the Daily Sceptic, Talk Radio, Together, anyone connected with Nigel Farage etc which continue to make lots of faux-principled protestations about the iniquity of lockdowns, the importance of bodily autonomy and freedom of choice but still, even now, remain at best squeamish and evasive on more ‘contentious’ subjects like vaccine injury.

In other words, far from uniting the resistance, the broad front ‘pragmatism and unity’ strategy has divided and neutralized that resistance by luring a significant portion of it into containment pens. All those people out there who have sensed that something is wrong and are now eager for guidance on what it is are being led into a trap by the abovementioned Judas Goats. That trap, essentially, is a state of controlled ignorance: “Yes, you are quite right to worry your pretty little heads about immigration, government incompetence and not having to wear a mask or have a jab if you don’t want to. But don’t be bothering yourself about kill shots, 15 minute cities or Central bank digital currency. If any of these were a problem we’d tell you about it. Meanwhile, here’s a piece we’ve just commissioned from an anonymous ‘expert’, explaining why the threat posed by CBDCs is totally overrated…”

All this, I believe, was by design and not by accident. They faked the Moon Landings, assassinated various presidents, and initiated any number of wars. You’d need to be suffering severe cognitive dissonance to imagine that these same diabolical, sadistic, perma-lying control freaks are too flaky to take precautions against all those dissidents who threaten to expose their schemes. Controlled opposition, Judas Goats, gatekeepers: these are all tried and tested methods of capturing resistance movements and leading them astray. So too are handy phrases like “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity” and - the subject of this article - that oft-repeated line about how we shouldn’t engage with this or that conspiracy theory because it ‘discredits our cause.’

Now obviously I’m not suggesting that all the people who wheel out that hackneyed ‘discredits our cause’ phrase are working for the enemy. Many of them, I’m quite sure, do so in the belief that they are imposing a measure of discipline, common sense and pragmatism on the resistance movement. But however good their intentions may be, what they are actually achieving when they parrot that phrase is doing the enemy’s work for him. I suppose if I wanted to be rude I could characterize the people who betray their own cause in this way as ‘useful idiots.’ But instead, on this occasion, let me be uncharacteristically tactful. The people who, in good faith, trot out the ‘discredits our cause’ line are not bad people or stupid people. They’re just people who haven’t quite thought things through properly. But maybe, now that they’ve read this, they will…

News of the Times;
Controllers Spill Beans On FAA:

Microsoft Drops USAID-Funded NewsGuard:

Foolproof Ways To Avoid Getting Deported:

Warrant executed for ‘child pornography’ at Texas Modern Art Museum’s LGBTQ exhibit:

LGBTQ activist teacher in Missouri charged with child sex crimes:

Washington Dems Push Bill to Keep Parents From Knowing About Sexual Assault:

California university cancels CRT activist's webinar:

The Case Against Females as Patrol Cops:

Homogenous group strategies:

How Not to Socialize:

The pope barks up the wrong tree:

Democrat Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs Under Fire After $339 Million “Disappeared”:

21 campus hate crime hoaxes uncovered in 2024:

Dies From Aneurysm After Giving Up On ‘Six Hour’ ER Wait:

China’s Debt Now Surging $1 Trillion a Month:
The U.S. Surgeon General wants to put warning labels on all alcoholic beverages.

I'm flattered that she wanted to include my picture, but I said, "no."



"Did you eat?"
"Did you eat?"

"Are you copying me?"
"Are you copying me?"

"I love you!"
"Yea, I ate already."


ICE operations to round up and deport undocumented immigrants hit an unexpected snag yesterday, as agents discovered that single men had begun dressing as illegal aliens in hopes that Kristi Noem would detain them.

Immigration agents confirmed that they had mistakenly apprehended multiple single American men who had cleverly disguised themselves as foreign nationals with the goal of having the new Secretary of Homeland Security take custody of them.

"Ay, mami! Come arrest me! I'm totally here illegally!" one man was heard shouting in the street where Noem was leading the raid. "I'm from a different country, okay? I came here without following the proper channels. So illegal. Come slap the cuffs on me, mamacita!"

After being taken into custody, agents eventually identified the man as Tony Henson, a single, white male from Brooklyn. Henson had put on a fake mustache and sombrero in an ingenious attempt to fool federal agents into introducing him to Secretary Noem.

"He almost got away with it," said ICE agent Michael Oxner. "The hat, the mustache… that's what they all look like. It was a foolproof disguise. Unfortunately for him, when our interpreter started to question him in Spanish, he could only respond with the words ‘taco,' ‘burrito,' and ‘chalupa.' That tipped us off. Turns out he only wanted to meet Kristi Noem."

Agents reported that they had encountered approximately 25 single men hoping to be detained by Secretary Noem.

At publishing time, illegal alien men were also reportedly beginning to line up to be frisked by Noem and escorted to a private room for questioning.


An 11-day Caribbean cruise out of Miami has set sail on "The Big Nude Boat."

I have to say, you'd save a lot on laundry service.

And think how easy it would be to pack!


Sometimes I feel like a semicolon.

I don't know where I belong.

Quote of the Times;
“In 100 years we have gone from teaching Latin and Greek in High School to teaching remedial English in college.” - Joseph Sobran

Link of the Times;
Archbishop Vigano: Letter to American Catholics:

Issue of the Times;
India: It's Worse Than You Think by Jayant Bhandari

Most Westerners know nothing about India beyond vague ideas about Hinduism, yoga, gurus, and maybe a dash of Bollywood. To such people, this article will be a rude awakening...

I grew up in Bhopal in central India. Since as early as I can remember, I worked in my father’s printing press. I studied engineering in the nearby city in Indore and went to Manchester Business School in Britain to do an MBA. I returned to India to set up a subsidiary of a British company, which was a huge success. When I lived in Delhi, I wrote for the mainstream Indian media. I traveled widely in India and around the world.

I had first returned to India with the idea of improving it, but after 11 years, I realized that India was a sinking ship, with worsening and increasingly shameless corruption, degraded people, and a society that was falling apart. I had never met an honest bureaucrat or politician. I applied to emigrate to Canada and my application was approved in a record three weeks.

I now advise East Asian and Western corporations on investing in India. Most of what I tell them sounds to them exaggerated, unrealistic, and unbelievable. After much dance, drama, and a great deal of lost money, they begin to believe what I tell them. However, this learning is never institutionalized because of a refusal to understand India. This is a form of political correctness, a poison eating away the innards of Western values.

When I was a child growing up in India, I learned that “might makes right.” Power was often abused, with those in control acting as if they had a God-given right to exploit and dominate others. The display of authority could be so extreme that questioning it or expecting those in power to do their duty might lead to retribution. Those in authority seemed to believe that their positions were not for serving others but for personal gain.

People who showed respect appeared to have meekly accepted a lower, subservient position. Kind people had to hide their compassion, for being nice was seen as a weakness.

In India, I have rarely seen someone in authority take the initiative to solve a problem he was responsible for. When I was at university, an underaged boy who worked in the kitchen was raped and sodomized by the janitors. I reported the matter, but not only did no one in authority do what was right — something well within their power — the authorities and fellow students threatened me with severe consequences if I pursued the matter further. Devoid of empathy, they also made fun of the boy and me.

Yes, there is an element of sadism here. There is some degree of pleasure that Indians take in the pain suffered by others. The attitude of the authorities was like that of the high-placed Delhi bureaucrat who told me that his Black Label whiskey tastes so much better because he knows that most Indians can’t afford to drink it.

This confuses Westerners. If they had power, even if they were corrupt, in a situation where there was nothing to gain or lose — no bribes to receive since both parties were poor, and no risk of offending someone well-connected — they would do the right thing and book the alleged rapist. These Indians would do nothing, not even lift a finger, unless there was a reward: money or sex. Their apathy was bottomless.

Doing your job may be seen as effeminate by those above you. If you can shirk your responsibilities, you’re considered macho. In that culture, there is rarely any pride or honor in doing what is right. If you call a plumber for repairs, he will see it as beneath him to leave without creating a mess. He may deliberately do a shoddy job, even if doing it well wouldn’t take more time. A complex web of arrogance, egotism, servility, casteism, tribalism, and magical thinking drives this behavior. He shows his contempt for you and gets the better of you by leaving a mess. His customer, as the other side of the same coin, might well look down on and exploit someone who did his job well.

If you do a bad job, does that mean you do not get called back? That doesn’t matter to people who have no standards to begin with and who do not think ahead. There is little positive feedback to those who want to do better, be fair, or make better products.

Fairness, justice, trust, empathy, and impartiality are alien to many Indians. They have a hard time telling the difference between right and wrong. They are indifferent even when no cost is associated with being fair. Moreover, if they could do good without any personal cost, they would still prefer not to, because that can be seen as a sign of weakness.

Indians are indoctrinated to be submissive. The indoctrination is so profound that Indians address those even slightly above them in authority as “sir.” They tend to be servile, sycophantic, and ingratiating. This should not be mistaken for respect, because respect is foreign to Indians. When they call you “sir,” it reflects their view of you only as the stronger figure in the interaction, consistent with their view that might makes right. They will demean you the moment you are in a weaker position.

You are either higher or lower — therefore, you are either abuser or abused. Equality is impossible. A visitor learns very quickly that saying “please” and “thank you” is seen as a sign of weakness and is reserved for those who wish to demean themselves.

Indians cannot maintain the institutions established by the British. These institutions have been hollowed out and corrupted, becoming predatory. The constitution and laws hold little value. The only forces driving these institutions are bribes and connections. Whether you approach the highest political leaders or the pettiest bureaucrats, they openly and unashamedly demand bribes.

Street smarts are highly valued, and criminals who evade justice are celebrated. A relative of mine, brimming with pride, once told me that he would never pay rent for the house he had rented. He had bribed the local authorities to make it impossible for his landlord to throw him out.

When someone in a society without trust is cheated, he rarely seeks justice against the cheater. Instead, he cheats others. Men abuse women, women abuse children, and children abuse animals. Animals attack whatever they can. Higher-caste Indians abuse those in lower castes, while lower-caste people fight with other lower-caste people to determine who is superior. It is a perpetual cycle of mistrust and arbitrariness.

People in the West talk about a system of four or five castes that was formalized by the British. This confuses the issue, for this gives an exaggerated sense of structure. In reality, there are 1.4 billion castes in India. All interactions are about sizing you up. You end up either oppressing others or being oppressed. The so-called lower caste people are more caste conscious than the higher caste people.

Most caste problems in India are described in the news in passive tense. So-and-so was oppressed and abused. Yes, the sufferer is a lower caste person but the oppressor is often of a similarly low caste. When a lower caste person rises in power, he loves showing it off to those from higher castes. What better way to show off power than by abusing others and getting away with it or — if you are a plumber — by leaving a mess? Different people show off power according to what they can get away with.

Many people lie openly. Everyone knows everyone lies, but everyone lies anyway. Many Indians convince themselves of their lies so that they can no longer differentiate between fact and fiction. Even if you don’t have to or want to, you have to exaggerate and lie, for you know your listener will calibrate to what you say. Conversations are often driven by personal material gain. Every transaction is a zero-sum game — or perhaps a negative-sum game, for sadism may be a part of the equation.

You may think you will be safe if you work with family members, but they may turn out to be your biggest enemies, for even they will betray you. Honor is not a part of the social code. Indians are atomized people and do not know loyalty. Indians across the board hide gold in their own houses and do not tell even family members about it.

I have never (I am using the word advisedly) had a contract honored in India. When you bribe, you must do so skillfully. If you have an opposing side in a legal fight, the judge and the police will take bribes from both sides. Your lawyer will collude with the opposing side and with the judge right in front of you to maximize bribes. This might sound unbelievable, but that does not change reality.

The words for most virtues come from Persian, Turkish, or English, not native Indian languages. But just because the words came into the language does not mean Indians accept those virtues; they were perverted and became a façade for the old ways.

Everyone builds solid, high fences around his property. Everyone does this the day he buys a property, because his neighbors will encroach on his land if they can. It took me years after I had moved to the West to understand why people don’t build fences.

When I first traveled to the UK, I was amused to find that animals weren’t fearful of or aggressive toward people. I was surprised that those in power didn’t expect servility or reverence. For years, I felt uneasy, as if I wasn’t fulfilling my part of the transaction unless I paid bribes.

My grandparents and father were honest in financial matters and held themselves to a high standard of self-respect — an anomaly in India. There are good, sane, moral, rational people in India, but I have more fingers than the total number of such Indians I have known; I can find that many honest Americans in one morning. By Indian standards, our family was decent and well-connected. This shielded me from much depravity and made it possible to ignore the stories that I heard.

Among ordinary Indians, conversations revolve around backbiting, gossiping about friends, discussing celebrities, exchanging superstitions, and animosity toward other groups. Hindus hate Muslims, Muslims hate Hindus, and Sikhs hate Hindus. These groups fight among themselves, leaving everyone atomized, but their hatred of other groups superficially unites them.

I doubt I understood the concepts of honor and loyalty until I had lived in Britain for a year. During that time, someone told me not to exaggerate when promoting the organization I worked for. For the first time, I began to see that people wanted to speak the truth simply for the sake of truth. I had always known the word “truth,” but for the first time, I began to grasp its essence.

I have seen a continual worsening of Indian society. Whatever grace and civility Christian missionaries and European colonizers instilled in Indians has been slowly eroding.

I distinctly recall my first day outside of India. On a train trip from Heathrow Airport to Manchester, I saw what I initially thought were dull-looking houses and clean, unremarkable waterways and air. The lack of hustle and bustle and the calmness of the train ride left me feeling disoriented and gloomy. I didn’t know how to cope with a situation where there was no constant assault on my senses.

With time, I realized that for most Indian immigrants, this led to a compulsive need to recreate India in the ghettos they moved into. They sought the familiar smells, noise, and constant hustle and bustle. They recreated never-ending emotionalism, fruitless conflicts, chaos, and intellectual inbreeding.

When we were granted unhindered access to the school in Manchester and later to the office where I worked, my fellow immigrants and I often wondered if the British were so naïve as to trust us so readily. What was to stop us from stealing everything in sight? Most immigrants never truly grasp the significance of “trust” and “gratitude.” Worse, they discover that complaining often leads to benefits — the only thing they genuinely care about in the multicultural West. Humanistic, civilizational values never touch their hearts.

Once, a friend and I went for a drive in Manchester. Having had a few drinks, he ran a red light and was pulled over by the police. I was stunned by the respect with which the officer treated him. In India, the police would have humiliated and exploited even the passengers. My friend was taken to the police station, and as I was driven there by an officer, I explained how we would have been treated if this had happened in India.

At that time, I was living in a high-crime area of Manchester, and the police sometimes followed me when I walked home. I asked the officer why they never stopped or questioned me. He told me they followed me to ensure my safety and had no authority to stop me without legitimate cause. For the first time, I began to understand the British respect for personal space, another value that was also starting to take root in my mind.

The officer made my friend sit for an hour or two to sober up, and then let him go without booking him. I began to realize that those in power in Britain could apply the law flexibly, considering the spirit behind it; in India, laws were excuses for predation.

Of course, Britain is no longer what it once was. Over the years, policing has evolved to accommodate the challenges presented by the lowest common denominator introduced by immigrants from the Third World.

Statistics fail to resonate in the Indian psyche. There is no sense of a grey area; everything is black or white, with no appreciation for nuance. This lack of proportionality leads to indecisiveness and an inability to value things. In the end, unrestrained emotions drive life. I carried a part of this same mindset with me. Realigning my thinking with reason, morality, and Western values was a difficult task.

I attended one of the best engineering colleges in India and believed myself to be creative, decisive, and well-grounded. However, as I started witnessing social interactions and behavior in Britain, I found I lacked confidence. Even the grocery store owner appeared more confident and decisive. I realized my mind was clouded with confused thinking and conflicting motivations

Even my privileged upbringing in India had ingrained into me layers upon layers of confused worldviews, and dishonest, scheming behavior. Despite my best intentions, shaking them off and rewiring my thinking took decades. Any erroneous belief I became aware of and tried to change clashed with other deeply ingrained beliefs and mental patterns. It was like trying to replace a broken brick in the castle of my cognitive constructs without destabilizing the entire structure. At times, I had to get drunk just to find a fleeting sense of sanity.

With time, I noticed that I began to sleep better and felt mentally freer. Even my body started to change, and the mental cloud that had clogged my thoughts began to lift. A reassuring sense that those around me had my back was immensely helpful. The confusing and contradictory thoughts that had caused chronic stress started to fade.

My grandmother often said two things I once considered backward-looking, but I agree with them today. She believed that some people needed to stay on the edge of starvation because if given more, they would make problems. Despite being one of the most egalitarian people I knew — befriending her chauffeur and tailor — she would remind me that not everyone deserved a seat at the table unless he was fit for it.

“Human Rights” is a Western concept that is incomprehensible to most Indians. They fail to understand respect for the individual. Speaking to them about “rights” only leads to confusion. They fail to differentiate between “negative” and “positive” rights. For instance, when taught about property rights, they learn to protect their property but fail to recognize the rights of others. Women, when taught that rape is a violation, might begin to see it in every situation and use it as a tool to exploit men. As they are introduced to the concept of rights, they shift from accepting their wretched lives to adopting a resentful, victim mentality.

You cannot teach people anything good until they have the foundations of morality, rationality, causality, and other Western values. Without these foundations, the fruits of Western civilization serve only to turn people’s often-hidden hedonic tendencies into something more malevolent. Every civilizational fruit — education, Western clothing, prosperity, Western institutions — has been perverted in India.

The institutions left behind by the British have been hollowed out, becoming purely predatory and sadistic. This occurred because, in post-British India, those in power prize expediency and acquiring wealth as life’s sole purposes. Today’s India lacks even the vague rule of law that existed before the arrival of the Europeans. This is why it will be an improvement when India eventually collapses and the Taliban-like authoritarian system that existed before the British reemerges from the ashes.

Without Western missionaries at the helm, Christianity has been “nourished” by Indian superstitions and magical thinking and has become voodoo. Grammar has fallen by the wayside, and English has often become pidgin.

Education and Western clothing have been adopted with a cargo-cult mentality. The focus is on obtaining certificates and wearing suits, as if these outward symbols alone confer status and material benefits. Similarly, education is not viewed as a means to foster intellectual growth or evolve into better human beings. Instead, driven by animalistic desires, expediency, and the unethical pursuit of resources, most Indians scorn the idea of self-improvement.

Education applied to an irrational mind that processes information through magical thinking becomes burdensome, making such people worse than their uneducated counterparts.

In economics, there is a concept of the “middle-income trap.” I prefer to call India’s situation the “low-income trap.” Contrary to the beliefs of professional economists, these traps have cultural underpinnings; it is virtually impossible to escape.

Prosperity has led to neither social peace nor intellectual and spiritual growth. Indians do not understand the concept of comfort. Most rich Indians build garish houses not for comfort but to display wealth and control those weaker than themselves. Worse, the easy prosperity of recent decades, which is essentially a result of Western technological advancements, has derailed the pursuit of rationality and morality. Social media are a platform for exchanging myths, superstitions, and pornography. The IT revolution does not bring enlightenment to the poorest parts of the world!

Today, India is more entrenched in magical thinking and superstition than in the past. Hedonism is rampant, and families are falling apart.

When elevated to high positions, most Indians become arrogant and sadistic. This is less from a desire to mask their incompetence and psychological weaknesses and more from a genuine belief that arrogance and sadism define power and class. This also serves as a way to cope with the deep-seated inferiority complex instilled by their culture. Whatever grace and civility had once been imbued in Indians by colonizers has eroded.

The wealth created by the West hypnotizes Indians. However, they fail to understand the underpinnings of that wealth. They equate the West with Hollywood stereotypes: girls in short skirts, promiscuity, drinking and drugs, flaunting wealth, working in plush offices, and controlling others. This is the true soul, once obscured by Victorian morals and Islamic constraints. It is a return to a pre-colonial, pre-Victorian, hedonistic culture.

Most Indians cannot think beyond money, sex, and survival — just what you would expect of a society with an average IQ of 77. Every Western value given to them has been caricatured and corrupted for these ends. Indians have no Ten Commandments. They are so unaware of these values that they remain oblivious even if they are forcefully presented to them. There is nothing you can do about this, except to try to understand what immigration from India and the rest of Third World will do to the West.

News of the Times;
EU’s right calls for new ‘Reconquista’:

2020 election victory was stolen from Trump:

A Texas Mom Accidentally Texted a Baby Photo to a Stranger:

About 225-250,000 Children Were Born to Illegals in The US in 2023:

Soros-owned radio station doxes ICE agents:

"Doesn't Fit MSM Narrative":

Nasty Bishop Who Chastised Trump’s Immigration Policies Revealed to Have Pocketed $53 Million:

Trans child molester repeatedly sexually assaulted female cellmate:


Top Al Qaeda Terrorist’s College Tuition Paid for by USAID:

Same Woman Who Threw 78-Year-Old Pro-Life Grandma into Prison:

“Revenge on Society” Attacks Lead to Government Monitoring of Individuals"

Musk Reveals Treasury Has Been Auto-Paying Everyone:

Study shows EV owners have bigger 'carbon footprint':

Will China BREAK from Trump's Tariffs:
I can't believe I was arrested for impersonating a politician.

I was just sitting there doing nothing.


The arithmetic teacher proposed the following to the class, "If there are three crows on a fence and one is shot, how many would be left?"

After a short time, Little Johnny shouts out, "Two left."

The teachers response, "I'm afraid you don't get the point. Let me repeat the joke. There were three crows on a fence and one is shot, how many would be left?

Johnny replied again, "Two left."

Teacher, "No, none would be left, because when one is shot, the other two would fly away."

Johnny, "That's what I said, TWO LEFT!!!"


Top 5 Little Known Executive Orders President Trump Signed on His First Day:

Nancy Pelosi must have a bucket of water thrown on her, just to check.

New official Oval Office motto: Don't get caught with your Mike Pence down.

New Mexico is now New America.

The Phantom of the Opera will no longer be required to wear a mask.

A President Proclamation Declaring "Saturday Night Live" not funny.


Two women were comparing notes on the difficulties of running a small business.

"I started a new practice last year," the first one said. "I insist that each of my employees take at least a week off every three months."

"Why in the world would you do that?" the other asked.

She responded, "It's the best way I can learn which ones I can do without."


Apple has agreed to pay $95 million to settle Siri eavesdropping claims.

At least, that's what Alexa told me...

Quote of the Times;
"Being ignorant is not so much a Shame, as being unwilling to learn." - Benjamin Franklin

Link of the Times;
Israelis Wailing at the Roman Fort:

Issue of the Times;
Trump Can Fix Biased, Bloated Bureaucracy, by Abolishing The Civil Service by Glenn H. Reynolds

A new broom sweeps clean, goes the old saying, but President Trump needs to approach the federal bureaucracy with more than just a broom.

Maybe something like a bulldozer.

With an imminent budget crisis — on her way out the door, Biden Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen informed us that, oh by the way, the federal government was out of cash — Trump should seize the opportunity to slash spending, lay off federal employees (permanently), move federal offices to lower-cost areas like Plattsburgh, NY or Las Vegas (New Mexico’s Las Vegas, not the Nevada one), and impound funds earmarked for unproductive regulations and operations.

DOGE, the Department of Government Efficiency, will produce a long-term plan, but Trump should strike hard with such initial savings right off the bat.

And there’s another move that Trump should take, one that will not only save money and improve efficiency, but also return the United States to the Founders’ intent: He should abandon the bloated, unconstitutional federal civil-service system.

Prior to the adoption of the Pendleton Act in 1883, government employment operated according to the “spoils system,” under which hiring in the executive branch was controlled by the president, the actual executive.

When a new administration came in, everyone’s job was up for grabs, at least potentially.

This “rotation in office” had several advantages, which were widely appreciated at the time and propounded by presidents from Jefferson to Jackson to Lincoln.

Chief among them: Instead of an entrenched bureaucracy, rotation in office meant fresh blood.

Contrary to popular belief, the arrival of a new president didn’t mean that everyone with a government job left it.

Even Andrew Jackson, upon taking office as an iconoclastic outsider, replaced only about 10% of the federal workforce with his own people.

Every president understood the value of continuity — and hiring new people is hard work.

But under the spoils system, the fact that the president could replace anyone meant that everyone worked for him.

This had two critical consequences: It meant that every federal employee was responsible to the president, and that the president was responsible for them — and for everything they did.

This is consistent with the Constitution’s vesting clause, which provides that “The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America.”

If the executive branch does it, it’s an executive power, and if it’s an executive power it should be directly controlled by the president.

Under our “professional” civil service, though, no one is really in charge.

Presidents can’t fire the government’s many middle, and even fairly senior, managers without a lot of hassle.

The thought was that this would give us an efficient, well-run government staffed by politically neutral, expert bureaucrats.

We don’t have those.

They’re not neutral, for one thing; they’re Democratic apparatchiks who can’t be fired by a Republican president — or a Democratic one, for that matter.

Federal workers donate overwhelmingly to Democrats.

A recent poll by Scott Rasmussen’s Napolitan Institute found that huge numbers of federal managers — 42% — would do their best to resist the Trump administration’s initiatives, something we saw occurring during Trump’s first term.

Not only that, they’re not experts, either: I defy anyone to examine the record of the federal bureaucracy over the past decade and suggest that it reeks of expertise.

It just plain reeks.

So “rotation in office” is unlikely to cost us expertise, but it would improve legitimacy.

The massive growth of the administrative state over the last century-plus has been justified by the claim that all these unelected bureaucrats making decisions are in fact supervised by the president, who is elected by the nation, thus legitimizing their actions.

But with 2.28 million civilian employees, that hasn’t actually been true for decades.

It is time for the civil service to go.

Replacing this failed system with something more politically responsive is likely to function better, and is certainly more in line with the notion of democracy than leaving most of our government in the hands of an unaccountable, left-liberal monoculture.

Its takeover by “professional” bureaucrats who get there thanks to exams and degrees is just another example of the gentry-class colonization of formerly diverse professions.

(Journalism, once a blue-collar profession now dominated by elite college grads, is another).

Well, the educated upper classes haven’t performed especially well lately — and as they’re the ones constantly prating about diversity, they should appreciate a more diverse federal bureaucracy.

Time for President Trump to make it so: Abolish the civil service, and restore American democracy.

News of the Times;
After J6 Pardons, The FBI And DOJ Have Nothing To Show:

PCUSA Supplied Children To Homosexual Pedophile Ring:

Bold thieves are targeting tiny homes:

Philippines says it will acquire U.S. Typhon missile system:

Bill Gates goes full totalitarian:

Cautious Optimism On The Demise Of The Green Energy Fantasy:

Former DC Police Officer Convicted for Being in Contact with Proud Boys Leader:

Ukrainian Soldiers Flee Frontlines in Unprecedented Exodus:

The Indian Question:

Foreigners Around The World by P.J. O'Rourke:

Pope appoints a flaming leftist to lead the Washington, D.C. archdiocese:

Woe to those who dwell upon the earth:

Illegal Accused of Killing Boy, 12, Gets Out of Jail Free for Christmas:

Why do we still have to use airplane mode?

The Trump-Vance Women Are Dressed For A Resurgent ‘Golden Age,’:
This could be the First Sunday in the history of the world that we are all looking forward to Monday!


The interest rate on a Capitol One credit card can be as high as 29.24%.

In fact, they're thinking of changing their slogan to, "What's in your wallet? We'll take it!"



Keychains were invented so that you can lose all of your keys at once.

People say I talk in my sleep , but no one at work seems to notice.

Nice try horror movies, but everyone in my generation is already terrified to answer their phones.

I wish I had a dollar for every dollar I don't have.

I'm angrier than a waitress forced to sing happy birthday.

It's such a beautiful day I had to open the window while I watched TV.

I'm still kind of pissed they never told us how to get to Sesame Street.

A party without Vodka is just a meeting.

Why are Doctors so afraid of apples?

My weight loss goal: to put on my shoes and breathe at the same time.


Top 5 Bob Uecker Quotes:

I knew when my career was over. In 1965 my baseball card came out with no picture.

Sporting goods companies pay me not to endorse their products.

I think my top salary was maybe in 1966. I made $17,000 and 11 of that came from selling other players' equipment.

I spent three of the best years of my life in 10th grade.

I set records that will never be equaled. In fact, I hope 90% of them don't even get printed.


All the living presidents, ex-presidents and presidents-elect, along with their wives, attended Jimmy Carter's funeral EXCEPT Michelle Obama.

They said she was on vacation in Hawaii.

My only question: Vacation from what?

Quote of the Times;
What those with no grasp of history fail to understand is that mass immigration is worse for a nation than a military invasion. Considerably worse. Because, as we have already witnessed from Afghanistan to Iraq, soldiers go home when the military occupation is over. Immigrants don’t. Just ask the Palestinians how mass immigration has affected them. Or the Native Americans. This is why, as historian Martin van Creveld has concluded, immigration is war. - Vox Day

Link of the Times;
Carter appears to be as decent to others as Biden is honest and empathetic:

Issue of the Times;
Can America Survive if the Guilty Are Left Unpunished? by Kevin Downey

No, the nation will not survive if there isn't a reckoning for politicians overtly working against Americans.

History is full of stories of oppressed people rising and overcoming the tyrants who have wronged them. Sometimes the stories end with the two sides peacefully agreeing to make changes. Other times it has ended in a one-way walk up the stairs to a guillotine.

Romania's despotic communist leader, Nicolae Ceausescu, had his brains relocated to a brick wall after Romanians had enough of his tyranny.

Italy's Fascist WWII leader, Benito Mussolini, was last seen hanging upside down in Milan next to his squeeze, both of whom had been recently perforated with a machine gun.

Notable Nazis found "Spandau Ballet" as the last entry on their dance cards.

When I say a reckoning is necessary, I am not condoning violence. But history has shown us that if humans don't pay a price for their crimes, violence will likely become that last resort. I hope it never comes to that.

We as a nation are well beyond asking questions like, "Why are MAGA grannies getting busted for a peaceful 10-minute walk in the Capitol, but Antifa and BLM were allowed to burn the nation with near impunity?"

Then there was that whole censoring-Americans-on-social-media thing, when the CIA, FBI, and other governmental agencies convinced social media companies to shut down people who dared challenge the notion that COVID vaccines and masks made a difference.

We sat still as eight Trump associates were sentenced to prison (not to mention the DOJ's maniacal efforts to send Trump as well). Yet, the Biden Crime Family still hasn't been charged despite the overwhelming evidence of bribery and influence peddling against them.

We said nothing as the woman who found and sold Ashley Biden's diary, where Ashley admits to taking "not appropriate" showers with Joe Biden when she was a kid, was sent away to prison for a month. Yet Fani Willis, who clearly paid her man-cub mad stacks to persecute Trump, indulged in that cheddar herself, then lied about it on the stand, is somehow still on the Trump case and not in jail where she belongs.

We watched a psychotic Stalinista DA try to send Kyle Rittenhouse to prison for the rest of his life because he dared to fight back against three street animals who attacked him, one of whom aimed a handgun at him. Next up is the trial of Daniel Penny, who defended a subway car full of people against one of NYC's top 50 homeless crazies.

We stayed quiet as New York's then-governor Andrew Cuomo essentially killed 15,000 elderly people when he insanely sent them back into nursing homes despite having COVID. Biden's DOJ decided not to prosecute him.

We saw the enraging video of illegal immigrants beating the potato salad out of two NYPD cops and yet not spending a night in jail.

Even worse, some of our nation's big blue toilet cities have actually rewarded Antifa and BLM rioters over "excessive police force" as the darlings were burning buildings and fighting cops.

As if the two-tiered justice system isn't enraging enough, Americans, many of whom are struggling financially, are watching millions of illegal immigrants getting paid to replace them. Venezuelan thieves, who were given food, shelter, money, and medical care, are burglarizing the homes that squatters have not yet invaded.

Have we, as a nation, gone soft? Once upon a time, Americans flipped their wigs over a tax on tea. Today, we watch as our country gets torn asunder from within, and yet nothing is being done.

The question now is: How much longer will Americans quietly accept things like this?

My Spidey sense tells me the tyrannical left is about to awaken a sleeping giant. Humans are vengeful. We can only be pushed so far before we exact change, if not revenge.

I hope that vengeance comes in a peaceful form. Let the despotic animals who locked us down, brought us record crime, and invited our replacements over the southern border get voted out, and let a fair justice system mete out proper punishment to them if and when deemed necessary.

I agree with Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) in that Fauci belongs in jail for his connections to the origins of COVID and lying about it to Congress. Will he face a jury of his peers who lost loved ones to the virus he helped pay for? Will Joe Biden face charges for selling access to the Chinese and Russians?

No, I suspect some people are too powerful to pay. However, for this nation to heal, all the tyrants, whether in D.C., the DOJ, or the pharmaceutical-industrial complex, must be held responsible.

As we have seen, Democrats don't punish their own. Eight illegal immigrants in Da Bronx were recently arrested with drugs, guns, and a seven-year-old child. Six were back on the streets within hours. Meanwhile, Trump ally Allen Weisselberg was sent back to jail on Wednesday for five months for perjury. It's his second time getting locked up.

Sadly, the "freedom of the press" allows media giants such as CNN and MSNBC to blatantly lie to their weak, easily controlled viewers. However, between you and me, Rachel Maddow makes Hitler's minister of propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, look like Honest Abe.

I don't know what shocks me more, the fact that Americans haven't so much as protested or that the Uniparty swamp wigglers who commit these atrocities don't believe a comeuppance is headed their way.

This nation needs an enema, and Washington, D.C., is a great place to put the first hose. Let the ballot box, not the cartridge box, be the answer. We are a well-armed nation (for now), and I sincerely hope the 2nd Amendment isn't needed to maintain our liberties.

You have been patient. You've been peaceful where others may not have had the same admirable restraint.

News of the Times;
Children’s book author and husband exposed for double life in house of horrors:

Continued Bloodbath on South African Farms:

‘Missing’ GOP Congresswoman Found Living at Dementia Care Home:

'The Spell Was Shattered—And Here's What The Spell Was':

CNN found liable for $5 million in defamation trial:

Another brick and mortar goes belly up under Biden:

Tell-All on Defense Department’s Plan to Sabotage Incoming Trump Administration:

Democracy Really Did Die in Darkness:

Vatican welcomes gay priests:

New Photo Shows Biden with Hunter ‘s Business Associates Despite Past Denials:

Don’t Expect Media Apologies:

Death Surge Only Impacted Covid-Vaccinated:

NYPD Chief resigns amid allegations of demanding sexual favors:

Why Are Federal Buildings So Ugly?

Riots Across Africa Target Chinese:
What's the difference between fact-checkers and fire departments?

Democrats will fund fact-checkers.


R.E.I. announced that they will be laying off 400 employees.

It may be insensitive, but I think they should tell them all to take a hike.


Top 5 Things on my January To Do List:

Take down the Halloween decorations

Replace that 2021 calendar in the kitchen

Spray the Christmas tree green

Buy the wife a new snow shovel

Start seriously breaking some resolutions


A Florida delivery woman, ticked off that she only received a $2 tip on a pizza and chicken wings delivery, returned to the home and stabbed the customer 14 times.

To make matters worse, she charged a $4 stabbing fee.


I was told that feeding my Christmas tree to a goat would be great for the environment.

Well, I'm sure it is, but you should see what it did to our living room rug!

Quote of the Times;
"Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed." John 3:20-21

Link of the Times;
Rosanne Boyland Shot in the Face by Police Projectile, Then Pushed Down and Smothered:

Issue of the Times;
U.K. Grooming Gangs And The Evil That Dare Not Speak Its Name by David Brummer

Issue has resurfaced amid Labor government's refusal to carry out public inquiry and Elon Musk intervention

The topic of the largely Muslim grooming gangs that operated in working-class areas of the U.K. and in which thousands of white girls and barely pubescent young women were routinely sexually abused over a more than 30-year period is one of the most shameful in recent British history. The issue apparently had died down a little, until two interconnected events brought it rocketing back above the surface.

The Rochdale grooming gang ringleader, (50 men who sexually abused or raped 74 underage girls) still hasn't been deported 9 years after receiving his deportation order.

Qari Abdul Rauf was released in 2014, just 2.5 years into a 6 year sentence.

He still lives near his victims
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) January 2, 2025

GB News, which has taken a clear moral stance and reported the assailants predominantly are men of Pakistani origin – although you would be hard-pressed sometimes to glean this from the reporting of mainstream outlets – reacted with consternation bordering on disgust when the Labour Party's Safeguarding Minister Jess Phillips MP rejected a call for a public inquiry into grooming gangs in Oldham. This city near to Manchester in northern England was one of the main loci of the systematic abuse over a prolonged period of young white girls.

On learning of Phillips' rejection of an inquiry, Elon Musk, who is as much of a lightning rod for issues as is President Trump, decried the government's inaction, and attacked Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer into the bargain. Starmer was the director of public prosecutions between 2008-2013 and there is no doubt the grooming gangs issue would have crossed his desk. He didn't do anything about it then, was Musk's contention, and he wouldn't do anything about it now, up to and including the prevention of a thorough investigation into one of Britain's vilest episodes.

They oppose an inquiry, because it will show that those in power were complicit in the cover-up
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 2, 2025

The new co-head of the U.S. Department of Government Efficiency was not finished with his tirade against the British establishment. Musk liked a post from Rebel News' Avi Yemini, who called Tommy Robinson a "political prisoner."

He also called for the prosecution of politicians or those in law enforcement who helped cover up decades of abuse.

Tommy Robinson is a political prisoner
— Avi Yemini (@OzraeliAvi) January 2, 2025

Robinson was one of those people who most vociferously called out the evil which was the grooming gangs, and he has paid for this truth-telling with his liberty. This particular aspect took another turn as Jordan Peterson, who interviewed Robinson twice, attempted to repost the first time he did so on YouTube, found the Google-owned video platform had shadow-banned it. Peterson's daughter, Mikhaila, also took to X to say she'd tried to share her father's first interview with Robinson, only to find YouTube had disabled sharing and comments. "YouTube," she wrote, "you realize you're on the side of the rapists, right?"

The fallout did not end there, as social media has been on fire all day covering and responding to the grooming gangs story. GB News presenter Matt Goodwin posted on X saying he couldn't read some of what he'd posted on air "because it was too graphic." A former prosecutor within the Crown Prosecution Service, who worked under Starmer, made an astonishing admission.

Let me clarify an issue:
I was told by some officers that Home Office Circular 17/2008 had led to others interpreting it as permitting them to allow a child, past the age of puberty, to continue engaging in sexual activity where the officer perceived them to understand dangers
— nazir afzal (@nazirafzal) January 2, 2025

As if the facts of these cases could not get worse, some fathers who managed to track down their daughters to these rape dens in an attempt to rescue them, not only found the police would not help them, but in at least two instances they were themselves arrested!

1. Young girls were r*ped by grooming gangs in Britain.
2. In two cases, the fathers tracked down their daughters to save them.
3. The fathers were arrested by police when called to the scene.
This is unreal.
— PeterSweden (@PeterSweden7) January 1, 2025

It isn't clear what will happen now, not just to Tommy Robinson, but to the U.K. too. The government is wildly unpopular, not just because of the grooming gang issue, which has been at least in the background for successive governments of all colors, but the issue is clearly coming to a head.

People in the U.K. will continue to lose trust in Starmer, with Musk's intervention in the long-running grooming gang scandal coming but a few short months after he baldly lied to the British people about the background of the attacker in Southport, who left three little girls dead after going on a demented stabbing spree at a Taylor Swift-themed dance party. The political and cultural elites have gaslit the British working class for decades, labeling them as far-Right thugs; with regard to the grooming gangs, perhaps they were on to something.

News of the Times;
The Movement to Free Schools:

Europe's Descent, Oreshnik, and More:

Liberian Man Body-Slams Young Mom Face First Into The Pavement:

Poland Makes Firearms Training Mandatory:

Amish Farmer Celebrates "Big Win For Food Freedom":

11 Dead in ‘Safe and Effective’ Bird Flu Vaccine Trial:

Moderna Halts mRNA RSV Vaccine Trial for Children:

Biden admin dumped hundreds of thousands into ensuring military parents affirm their child’s gender identity:

A Potpourri of the World’s Unexposed Scandals:

Immigration as Provocation:

Life In The U.S. During The Great Depression:

New insights into the Denisovans:

1 in 20 Deaths in Canada Were ‘Medically-Assisted’:

Dems Rigged Fake Scenes for Us to Photograph:

Something Has Gone TERRIBLY Wrong In China:
Several animals were savagely beaten in the making of this page, including but not limited to; kittens, rabbits, zebu, skunks, puppies, and platypus. Also several monkeys where force fed crack to improve their typing skills.

And someone shot a duck.

An Images & Ideas, Inc. Service.

No Vegans were harmed in the making of this site. We're looking for a new provider.