Daily Pics, My Comic, and The Times
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This Summer, the London Zoo is teaching some baby penguins how to swim.

My question: where are the parents?


Top 5 Signs you Really Need this Friday!

The Co-Worker Pool only had you making it to Thursday.

You're wearing a shirt that says, "I really need this Friday".

You first thought it was Friday on Monday.

This week has felt like one, big 40-hour day.

When you glanced at the calendar, you wept.


In a groundbreaking revelation that has left the aviation industry buzzing, a Boeing 737 plane has bravely come out as both Black and Gay, securing itself a unique status exempting it from certain safety regulations.

The announcement, made during a press conference at the Boeing headquarters, saw the aircraft adorned with rainbow-colored wings and a fresh coat of paint to reflect its newfound identity. The plane, now affectionately known as “RainbowJet,” declared it was proud to be at the forefront of diversity and inclusivity in the aviation world.

In a surprising turn of events, regulatory authorities swiftly responded by granting RainbowJet a special exemption from a range of safety protocols, citing the need to support and uplift marginalized aircraft in the industry.

“We believe in celebrating diversity, even among our planes,” said FAA spokesperson Avia Tionary, who struggled to keep a straight face while making the announcement. “RainbowJet has shown incredible courage in sharing its identity, and we want to encourage other planes to follow suit.”

The move has sparked mixed reactions within the aviation community. Some applaud the industry for its commitment to inclusivity, while others question whether safety regulations should be influenced by an aircraft’s sexual orientation and racial identity.
RainbowJet, now an icon for progressive planes everywhere, took to the skies with an extra spring in its turbines. Passengers boarding the plane were greeted by a cheerful announcement celebrating diversity, accompanied by a dance routine performed by the flight attendants in honor of their newly empowered aircraft.

Critics argue that while diversity and inclusion are values, exempting a plane from safety regulations based on its identity may not be the wisest course of action.


Top 5 Signs you have a Serious Problem with Saying NO!:

Just ask any of your five wives.

You can say "Yes" in 40+ languages.

You're the poster child for Over-schedulers Anonymous.

Of the 48 hours this weekend, you've scheduled 49 of them.

You're president of 29 clubs.


Fried potato cakes are coming back to Arby's after being gone from the menu for three years.

Because we're just not eating enough cakes.

Quote of the Times;
"I do not say that democracy has been more pernicious, on the whole, and in the long run, than monarchy or aristocracy. Democracy has never been and never can be so durable as aristocracy or monarchy, but while it lasts it is more bloody than either." - John Adams

Link of the Times;
The Spoken History of a Global Language:

Issue of the Times;
Are Mass Deportations Possible? the Case of the Dominican Republic by Eric Striker

Birthright citizenship is repealed. Special agents round up illegal immigrants at construction and agricultural work sites to be instantly sent home. A concrete wall is constructed and garrisoned with soldiers surveilling the border with drones and radar.

These are not the empty promises of Donald Trump, Giorgia Meloni or the British Tories, they are the reality of Luis Abinader’s Dominican Republic.

The bloody history of Haiti and the Dominican Republic has created a unique racial and ethnic dynamic on Hispaniola that continues to influence the latter’s politics.

Following the success of the Haitian revolution, Jean-Jacques Dessalines decreed in 1804 that all white people on the island were to be killed on sight. Following the success of this gruesome act of genocide, Haitian forces sought to export their revolution by invading the Spanish side of the island, which had a much smaller, sparse population, though they encountered resistance in this crusade due to the high percentage of mixed race and white people living there. Dominicans racially classified as white, which included some light-skinned African-mixed people, were stripped of their citizenship and land by the Haitian constitution and forced out of their cattle ranching trade to work for blacks in slavery conditions in the cash crop industry.

A group of multiracial and white Dominican nationalists called the Trinitarios, led by Spanish descendant Juan Pablo Duarte, led a rebellion against Haitian dictator Charles Rivière-Hérard and expelled his forces from the eastern portion of the island in 1844, establishing the divide that exists today. Though the occupying army was numerically superior to the Dominicans, Rivière-Hérard was himself undermined from within by an uprising of Haitian blacks enraged by the fact that their leader himself had some European ancestry.

Today, the trauma of Haitian rule continues to inform Dominican identity. This national sentiment helped Abinader, of Spanish and Lebanese ancestry, successfully win the 2020 election on a platform of ending Haitian migration and cutting through red tape to deport those already in the country. It was estimated at the time of Abinader’s victory that Haitians, most of them in the country illegally, numbered somewhere between 750,000 and 1 million out of the Dominican Republic’s 11 million population.

Soon after taking office, Abinader began preparations to keep his promise. His Modern Revolutionary Party, with consensus support including from opposition groups, passed a law in 2022 to form a new immigration enforcement police unit that would specialize in targeting job sites known to hire Haitian illegals for unannounced mass round ups. In 2013, a constitutional reassessment removed birthright citizenship from all those born to foreign parents since 1929, which granted the Dominican government the powers needed to detain and remove 170,000 Haitians from the country by the end of 2022.

The next year, what the US State Department has condemned as “mass deportations” reached unprecedented levels. That year, 250,000 Haitians living within Dominican territory were identified by immigration authorities and expelled, while an additional 200,000 voluntarily repatriated. A substantial portion of these Haitians had their citizenship retroactively revoked under the 2013 constitutional amendment, which means they are not recognized as either Dominican or Haitian citizens, but this did not stop Abinader from sending them back at a rate of 50,000 immigrants per month. In one instance during this crackdown, 20,000 Haitians were deported in a time span of nine days. The small and relatively poor Dominican Republic now has one of the most active and prolific immigration enforcement systems on the planet.

From January to April in 2024, the rate of deportations fell to a total of 30,000 in four months, but this reduced level of enforcement is more of a testament to the government’s effectiveness in removing Haitian migrants in previous years rather than any dampening of their burning enthusiasm. Last May, the Abinader government completed a 250-mile concrete wall, modeled after Israel’s barrier to Syria in the Golan Heights (which, in the Israeli case, the United States supports), permanently preventing Haitians from illegally crossing into the country. The Dominican government has adamantly refused to host any Haitian refugees in its territory and has rejected demands from the UN that it grant citizenship or residency permits to multi-generational migrants regardless of how long they have resided in the country.

Within the Dominican landscape, Abinader’s policies are uncontroversial. He was recently re-elected in a landslide and all of the major parties support his anti-migrant efforts. The opposition to these policies is restricted largely to outsiders: Washington, the United Nations, and various foreign funded non-governmental organizations who have sought to undermine the effort.

Much like in America and Western Europe, business interests in the tourism, construction and agricultural sectors warned from the onset that preventing them from hiring Haitian immigrant labor would cause the economy to go into recession and inflation to skyrocket. These predictions were proven false. Three years into the mass expulsion program, the Dominican economy is thriving while inflation has been tamed.

For over a decade, the US government and its “civil society” allies have attempted to browbeat the Dominicans out of enforcing its immigration laws and protecting its border. A 2015 Atlantic article demonizing the country by Jonathan Katz helped trigger this moral panic from the start, when deportations were comparatively much lower. A deluge of negative press coverage and accusations of “racism” and “Anti-Haitianism” from the likes of the New York Times, Washington Post, and so on — along with official complaints condemning the Dominican Republic by the US State Department — have flooded the conversation uninterrupted for the past decade. In 2023, the Jewish-controlled Associated Press published a pack of largely anonymous accusations intended to demonize Dominican immigration enforcement authorities as rapists.

On the street level, a local asset of the American Jewish World Service purporting to represent Dominicans of Haitian descent,, has sought to import American-style anti-white racism to the country, albeit with little success. A 2020 march in Santo Domingo organized by dedicated to George Floyd was physically stopped in its tracks by the Antigua Orden Dominicano (Old Dominican Order), a Dominican nationalist shirt movement modeled after 1930s European fascist groups. AOD has grown in numbers and popularity by engaging in street battles against and other foreign sponsored activist groups, making it difficult for the racial left to organize or establish a political foothold in the country. The Abinader government has faced repeated demands to proscribe AOD as a hate group, but has so far ignored these requests.

The Dominican Republic, once a colony of the United States, has in recent years become highly assertive in the face of Washington harassment. Much like in the case of El Salvador’s Nayib Bukele, these figures of the so-called global south have enjoyed greater space to govern according to their own needs and values thanks to declining American imperial influence.

Though the Dominicans are closely aligned with the United States, they have gained the upper hand in relations due to the specter of China and Russia gaining another ally near American soil.

The Dominican government’s previous leader, Danilo Medina, began a campaign to pull away from the United States, such as a 2018 move to end the country’s recognition of Taiwan and declaring it Chinese territory in exchange for Beijing’s investment and infrastructure projects. This drift towards China provoked a rare visit from Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, only the third visit from such a post since 1961, who lectured the Dominicans on the importance of democracy and offered desperate concessions in order to get them to stay Washington’s geopolitical course.

Abinader has been friendlier to the US than his predecessor, citing the nation’s immense transactional economic privileges granted to them under the Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement. Abinader has temporarily paused some Chinese projects in the country that were the subject of Washington’s anger, but has not cancelled them, leading some to believe he is leveraging his country’s strategic position to work the relationship on the Dominican Republic’s terms.

In September 2022, the Dominican government declared that it would retain good relations with Russia, a major source of tourism to the country, during “good and bad times,” a reference to the G7’s attempt at ostracizing the nation over the Ukraine war. Dominican officials even offered to organize special flights to their country to help Russian citizens circumvent bans from entering countries that traditionally serve as layovers. Vladimir Putin appears to be paying special attention to US-Dominican relations in hopes of capitalizing on tensions, as seen in his offers to drastically expand ties with the Caribbean nation in recent years, including aiding their oil exploration program, which American oil companies currently control.

A month after the meeting between the Russian and Dominican diplomats, the US embassy published a loaded “alert” addressed to “dark-skinned” Americans, instructing them to avoid visiting the Dominican Republic due to fears that they would be confused for Haitians and arbitrarily detained on immigration grounds. No example of such an incident having ever occurred to justify such fearmongering was provided.

The Dominican government responded to this attack on their tourism industry by summoning the US ambassador and demanding a retraction. The strategic importance of the Dominican Republic to US interests was revealed when Undersecretary of State Wendy Sherman personally visited the country and humbly acquiesced to the Dominican demand that she record a video promoting their tourism industry to Americans as an act of contrition.

Both Bukele’s El Salvador and Abinader’s Dominican Republic enjoy massive transactional benefits from their relationship with the United States — retaining good will with America makes intuitive sense for them —but by showing they have other options, they have succeeded in implementing their domestic agendas in spite of attempts at meddling from their supposed ally.

The Dominican war on immigration is unapologetically motivated by a desire to protect the interests of their ethnic majority, who do not want the anarchy of Haiti to spill over into their relatively functional country. If the Dominican Republic can end illegal immigration and deport 5% of the population in a span of three years, then so can advanced Western nations.

News of the Times;
Moscow Breaks World Record:

Satan Asks Democrats To Tone Down All The Evil:

Boeing 757 Loses Wheel, 737 Aborts Takeoff Due To Tire Failure:

Hawaii Airport Forced to Evacuate:

You Won't Be Surprised:

California Legalized Drugs. Cartels Took It Over:

Announcement extrajudicial criminal trial:

Tiger Woods Appeared In Magazine To Avoid Leaked Pictures With His Mistress:

Remote Amazon tribe finally connects to internet:

Leftists Eating Their Own:

Snopes has finally gotten around to debunking the ‘very fine people’ hoax:

50% of Students Can't Read at Grade Level:

We Can’t Protect Kids Without Fathers:

Blood on the Wine Dark Sea:

Remember when the FBI shared photos of the docs at Mar-A-Lago?
The number one question of the day: Is it 5pm yet?


Former NFL star Mark Schlereth says that Bill Belichick looks like an "absolute clown" dating a 23-year-old.

An extremely, incredibly happy clown, but still a clown.


It was different when we were kids.

In second grade, a teacher came in and gave us all a lecture about not smoking, and then they sent us over to arts and crafts...

To make ashtrays for Mother's Day.


Cup Noodles has come out with a new flavor; S'mores-flavored Ramen.

Can Lasagna Popsicles be far behind?


Mattel is starting to make their games color-blind accessible.

Traditionalists are seeing red.

Quote of the Times;
“For my friends, everything; for my enemies, the law.” - Brazilian President Getulio Vargas in the 1940s

Link of the Times;
Red Lines, Reality And Retards:

Issue of the Times;
You Have No Idea How Soviet We Really Are by Helen Andrews

The historian Niall Ferguson launched his new column at the Free Press with a banger, “We’re All Soviets Now.” His comparison of the United States in 2024 to Russia in 1987 offended Jonah Goldberg and Noah Smith, among others, but their criticism of Ferguson gets it backwards. The only problem with his column is that it didn’t go far enough.

Ferguson’s points of similarity between modern America and late Soviet Russia are—to condense a column of substance to a bare list—gerontocratic leadership; bloated government; lack of trust in institutions; high death rates; and “a bizarre ideology that no one really believes in.”

Good points, all of them, yet in each case Ferguson soft-pedals his argument.

In the case of the economy, for example, is the most Soviet thing about America really that our projected federal deficits exceed 5 percent of GDP, as Ferguson notes? Ferguson bemoans that the “insertion of the central government into the investment decision-making process” represented by “the Biden administration’s ‘industrial policy.’”

Surely that’s small potatoes compared to the fact that one sixth of the American economy is devoted to health care, a sector where, as a recent piece by TAC’s own Jude Russo hilariously details, the numbers are all fake. The amount of money sloshing around insurers and hospitals is absolutely massive, yet the prices involved bear no relation to utility or even reality. In exchange for devoting such a big chunk of our economy to medicine, what do we get in exchange? The occasional miracle, and a lot of overtreated octogenarians and routine care at inflated costs.

Higher education is another incubus sitting atop the American economy. It employs 4 million people and is responsible for $1.6 trillion in student loan debt, yet a layman struggles to see where any value is being created at all, much less value proportionate to the expense. As with health care, higher ed produces a small number of genuine miracles—groundbreaking research or brilliant scholarship—dwarfed by a vast army of functionaries whose net value to society is, frankly, negative. Everyone can tell that the system is rotten, yet schools still have the power to squeeze middle-class parents for every penny they’re worth.

Beyond “eds and meds,” what other growth industries are politicians betting their states’ and cities’ future prosperity on? Legalized weed and gambling. That is New York’s plan for making up its post-pandemic revenue shortfall. Many states are banking on sports betting as a source of fresh taxes. Even if these vice industries created as much revenue as their advocates promised—and early evidence suggests that they do not—they would still be pernicious, destroying more value than they create.

The essence of a late Soviet economy is not that the state plays a big role. It is that the average citizen looks around and thinks, This can’t possibly continue forever. The whole system is fake and insane. That is why Ferguson is wrong to look for evidence for his thesis in budget projections rather than the industries like health care and higher ed, which are neither capitalist nor socialist but mutant combinations of the worst of each.

Ferguson rightly cites America’s “deaths of despair” as a symptom of decline. But one phrase that does not appear in his column is “birth rates.” That is the bigger clue that American society has lost the will to perpetuate itself. It is possible to downplay the declining life expectancy that Angus Deaton and Anne Case detected among White Americans as a temporary blip caused by specific policy errors, such as opioid overprescription. The fact that other European countries have not seen similar drops suggests that the causes may indeed be specific to America and remediable.

The fertility decline is a much bigger problem. It can be seen everywhere liberalism touches. It is apparently a fundamental side effect of our system. It represents a deep nihilism and desire for oblivion no less than alcoholism or suicide. And no one has any idea how to fix it.

The ideology that props up late Soviet America the way communism propped up the USSR is, obviously, “diversity, equity, and inclusion.” Here, again, Ferguson points in the right direction but does not go far enough. He contrasts the promise of DEI, namely that it is “devoted to advancing hitherto marginalized racial and sexual minorities,” with the reality that DEI programs “do nothing to help poor minorities.”

That is one downside of DEI. But surely a bigger one, which truly deserves to be called late Soviet, is that in 50 years the average American will no longer be able to count on his doctor being able to perform basic medical procedures or his plane not falling out of the sky.

It will take decades for these results to manifest, of course, but they are the inevitable result of the decline in standards being implemented in the name of DEI today. The Soviet economy lumbered along for decades, too, despite its intrinsic dysfunctions, and it even delivered a rising standard of living for much of that time period. That is the real late Soviet predicament: Everyone can see the disaster coming, yet no one seems to have the power to stop it.

We like to reassure ourselves that, if we were really in a late Soviet situation, we would know it. Think of Boris Yeltsin and his boggling at an American grocery store. The contrast between capitalist abundance and empty shelves at home was obvious. There is no equivalent experience for an American today, say the optimists. In fact, there may well be—just ask the many visitors who come back from East Asia with the impression that over there, at least, things work.

But set aside those comparisons for a moment, since, after all, there may be a Potemkin quality to those travelers’ impressions. The more important point is that the average Soviet citizen knew perfectly well that his consumer goods were inferior to America’s but had soothing excuses to reassure himself why his system was nevertheless superior. Long before Yeltsin’s trip to Texas, there was the “Kitchen Debate” between then Vice President Richard Nixon and Premier Nikita Khrushchev in 1959. The American National Exhibition in Moscow showcased the many labor-saving devices our housewives enjoyed. The response of the Russian public, far from being dazzled, was mockery.

“Is this the national exhibition of an immense country or the branch of a department store? Where is American science? Where is American production machinery? Can we really base our judgment of it on these lawn-mowers?” one woman told Izvestia.

“Is it possible that you think our mental outlook is restricted to everyday living only? Where is your industry? We expected the American Exhibition would show something grandiose, similar to Soviet sputniks…and you want to surprise us with the glitter of your kitchen pans,” one Russian wrote in the visitors’ book.

Khrushchev echoed the same argument: “Don’t you have a machine that puts food into the mouth and pushes it down? Many things you’ve shown us are interesting but they are not needed in life. They have no useful purpose. They are merely gadgets.”

To an American reader seven decades later, these remarks sound lame and unconvincing. But rather than bask in our feelings of superiority, let us examine ourselves.

Think of your local CVS or Target. If you live in a big city, chances are that many items, from deodorant to laundry detergent, are under lock and key. Even with these precautions in place, shoplifters still wander the aisles, brazenly filling garbage bags and walking out. This is only one of the many ways the day-to-day experience of shopping has gotten worse in America, on top of inflation and declining product quality.

If a foreigner pointed out these problems and told you things were better where he came from, in Moscow or Beijing or Dubai, would you have a reply? Answers could be given to all of the above criticisms. Annoyances can be justified as the unfortunate cost of some worthier goal. But as you ponder the tradeoffs that might justify your city’s dysfunctions, stop occasionally and ponder whether your justifications are more convincing than the lady in Izvestia’s.

News of the Times;
Billionaire David Sacks Perfectly Describes:

Just Another Night In Gavin Newsom's California:

Kamala Harris' Financials Confirm What You Thought About Her Books:

Gold Star families fume after Biden denies troop deaths:

Eight Automakers Accused of Lying About Customer Data Protections:

Illegal Alien Car Crash That Never Made The Papers:

NY Governor Quietly Grants Clemency to Murderers:

Asian powerhouse declares intention to join BRICS:

US Fails to Hide the Slap:

8 Suspected Illegal Alien Terrorists Arrested:

Louisiana Reaffirms Gold and Silver As Legal Tender:

Duolingo bends to Russia’s LGBT demand:

Coke is Confederate:

Democrat Atlanta Prosecutor Jailed For Stealing $15 Million of Covid Funds:

John Leguizamo Complain About White People:
Why was the beach wet?

The sea weed.


Checked my bank balance at the ATM and was happy to see I had $707 dollars.

Until I realized I was holding the receipt upside down and it said LOL.


Authorities across the globe have forcefully condemned Liam Neeson for killing dozens of kindly human traffickers just to save one lousy hostage.

"We are absolutely disgusted by this rampage of violence against innocent human traffickers trying to make a living," said U.S. Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. "One measly little hostage is no excuse for Neeson's horrific actions."

According to sources, Neeson began hunting down the human traffickers after they kidnapped his daughter to sell as a sex slave. "Terrorists violently taking his daughter to rape is simply no justification for violence," said British politician Jeremy Corbyn. "We called for an immediate cease-fire when Neeson began his genocidal campaign, and demanded he instead spend the next year negotiating with the traffickers while they raped his daughter. Moreover, we condemn in the strongest possible terms Neeson's failure to give food and electricity to the people holding his daughter hostage. His behavior has no place in civilized society."

Despite the hostage rescue operation being successful, several international bodies, including the United Nations, castigated Neeson for the collateral damage he caused. "He should have shot the terrorists in the legs," said U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres. "We have issued an immediate arrest warrant for Neeson, and vow to hold him accountable for his totally unnecessary use of violence against poor, helpless terrorists. Just because they are holding your daughter hostage does not give you the right to resort to violence."

At publishing time, Neeson had reportedly informed world leaders that he has a particular set of skills and taking criticism well isn't one of them.


As most men grow older, they do less crying.

They obviously planned their retirement better than me.


My buddy's name is Jay.

But I call him J for short.

Quote of the Times;
“Every mass movement is in a sense a migration—a movement toward a promised land; and, when feasible and expedient, an actual migration takes place. This happened in the case of the Puritans, Anabaptists, Mormons, Dukhobors and Zionists. Migration, in the mass, strengthens the spirit and unity of a movement; and whether in the form of foreign conquest, crusade, pilgrimage or settlement of new land it is practiced by most active mass movements.“ -Eric Hoffer, The True Believer

Link of the Times;
If you’re shot, robbed or assaulted in Chicago, there’s a 50/50 chance there’ll be no police to respond:

Issue of the Times;
The Bargain with Government Is Coming Apart by P.F. Kelly, Jr.

Imagine you are a mouse — a placid little creature — living in a labyrinth. You don’t know it’s a labyrinth; it’s just where you live. You follow a well worn path, meandering along, chasing the red button. The red button provides you with food or whatever makes you happy.

But you’ve started to notice that things are changing. It’s not as good as it used to be in the labyrinth, not as easy to get to the button. And the payoff when you get there isn’t as good anymore. You’re anxious, but you’re not sure what to do. You’re starting to wonder about things. It’s been dawning on you that following the path isn’t getting you anywhere, and you may even be going backwards.

Suddenly you’re presented with a choice: keep running along the same path, or exit the labyrinth. Will you head for the door? Are you nodding yes? Will you do it? What will it take for you to lift up your head and leave the comfortable confines of the labyrinth?

In a recent Substack article, the online commentator Kulak wrote that history is divided into alternating periods of the centralizing or decentralizing of political power, noting that we have been in a period of centralization from 1700 to 1945. That seems about right, although things took a turn for the worse in the short-term after 1945 with the rise of the gargantuan state. Now the cracks in the foundation are beginning to show.

In fact, don’t tell anybody from the Deep State, but decentralization is happening now. The grand bargain the American people made with an expansive federal government is falling apart. The people tolerated big government for a lot of free stuff, but now the government is undermining the bargain it made for greater power with its ham-fisted use of it and over-the-top spending. The centripetal pull in bureaucratic governance, after accelerating with World War I and blossoming into the New Deal, is petering out. Centralization of power is accepted by the people when it confers benefits, but when those benefits diminish, as they are doing presently, the relationship of the people with its government will change.

When people are free, they will get the government they desire, despite what the powers-that-be might want. As a large, centralized federal government becomes unable to deliver its promised benefits, the rulers’ relationship with the ruled will break down. The people will stop accepting the government’s authority in their lives. If people get what they expect, they’ll ignore the things that bother them. But when benefits are threatened, as we are starting to see now, the relationship will change.

Take education, for example — a paradigmatic service people expect from government. People are openly challenging public schools, which spend more on racial and sexual ideology than on reading, writing, and arithmetic. On crime prevention, perhaps the number-one benefit derived from government, problems abound. Crime is surging. Progressive no-bail policies are releasing offenders the same day they are arrested. Terrorists and criminals are flooding across our borders unvetted. At the federal level, we’re more vulnerable to attack than we have been in decades because we redirect defense spending from war-fighting to DIE seminars. If you are a low-wage worker, open borders allow illegal aliens to pour in and take your job. The government is not keeping its end of the bargain. Insecurity is the word of the day.

Will the people demand a new relationship with their government? In Hartford, Connecticut, armed groups of black residents made the news recently when they gathered together to clean up their neighborhood since the local government and police weren’t helping. In other cities, people are banding together to evict squatters because courts and the police won’t protect their property.

We’re seeing this changing attitude toward government writ large in Donald Trump’s evolving relationship with black and Hispanic voters. Part of the undeniable movement of traditional Democrat voters to Trump in the polls is their rejection of the paternalistic relationship the Democrats have created with minorities for decades. They don’t want top-down solutions that don’t fit their problems. They want empowerment. They want change, not excuses. They are ready to renegotiate the old bargain, but Democrats get what they want from the old deal — votes — and they have no incentive to change it.

In addition, people are demanding a new relationship with government power in school boards across the country, ending liberal governance in many locales due to an extreme transgender and LGB agenda. Pressure is being applied on soft-on-crime district attorneys, whose no-bail policies are making our streets less safe. Change is percolating.

The only thing that can stop the approaching decentralization of government power is force. That’s why bureaucrats everywhere, including in Washington, and especially authoritarian entities like the U.N., WHO, and WEF, look to China as their model. They don’t look to America and its traditional model of consensus-building; they look to totalitarian structures, where the people are controlled by force through the threat of violence and the denial of benefits. That’s government hard power.

The other way governments force compliance, and we see this more broadly today in the developed West, is through information. The government’s manipulation of information is soft power. It is a bending of the will of the people to the government’s will through withholding or manipulating information. This type of soft government power got a big boost during the COVID scare. However, the tide is turning on that as well, as court cases move through the system to hold government actors accountable, and the skepticism of expertise grows.

A turning point is approaching in the culture, too. A recent article in The Spectator by Justin Brierly talked about a subtle but noticeable movement toward Christianity among younger people in the U.K. It is inevitable that such a turn will happen throughout the West. The human person can take only so much lying and nihilism, as the Soviet Union demonstrated. Eyes are opening, at least for those willing to look.

Western society generated surplus prosperity that enabled the construction of grand cathedrals of government, and it had the Christian impulse to make life better for people. Unfortunately, that impulse has been tossed out the window, along with the Christianity, and the only goal now of the powers-that-be is power itself. But don’t give up hope. Open your eyes and renegotiate this failed bargain. Decentralization is coming soon to a government near you.

News of the Times;
Chuck Schumer Posts Picture of a Barbecue Fail:

Nominee Arrested in Texas for Staging Racist Attacks:

Explain to me why we don’t have the right to exist:

Ford Losing $132,000 on Every Electric Vehicle Sold This Year:

Undercover video confirms Trump was kept in dark:

US-Backed Ukrainian Publication Releases New ‘Enemies List’:

Those 'All Electric' Fire Trucks are a Sad Joke:

Magazine deletes Palestine pin from Hollywood star:

Soros-Backed State’s Attorney Kim Foxx Declines to Press Charges:

Alvin Bragg Drops All Charges For Columbia Protesters Who Took Over Building:

World Leader Apologizes to The Unvaccinated::

Survey indicates sexual orientation caused by vaccination:

How Vaccines Alter Intimate Relationships and Gender Identity:

Abbott Issues Full Pardon to Army Sergeant:

What Should We Do with People This Evil?
Will you go with me to my therapist tomorrow?

He thinks I'm making you up.


It was 35 years ago this week that the Tiananmen Massacre took place.

Or, as they call it in China, "nothing happened."

By the way, China has successfully landed a spacecraft on the far side of the moon, even though there are no life forms to suppress.


After the Court of Arbitration for Sport made a shocking ruling on Thursday that Lia Thomas, a man, would not be allowed to compete on the U.S. women's Olympic team.

"That's fine if I can't compete, but can I, maybe, I dunno, just hang out naked in the women's locker room?" said Thomas to the committee, according to sources. "I can, you know, help with the swimming gear and towels and whatnot. And I'd be naked while I'm doing it. No big deal."

"That shouldn't be too much to ask for a brave trans pioneer like me."

Thomas's request to lurk in the locker room invoked the spirit of Pride Month, saying all he wants is the right to creep out women while at the same time indulging in his own gross fetish even if he won't be allowed to humiliate those women in competitive sports.

At publishing time, Planet Fitness and 24 Hour Fitness had both reached out to tell him he's welcome to hang out naked in their women's locker rooms any time.


I just got excited about a new scent of dish soap.

Nobody warned me that adulthood was going to be such a non-stop thrill ride.


Accidentally wore a red shirt to Target today.

Long story short, I'm covering for Debbie this weekend.

Quote of the Times;
Article 10 of the New Hampshire Bill of Rights, written in 1784: Government being instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security, of the whole community, and not for the private interest or emolument of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, whenever the ends of government are perverted, and public liberty manifestly endangered, and all other means of redress are ineffectual, the people may, and of right ought to reform the old, or establish a new government. The doctrine of nonresistance against arbitrary power, and oppression, is absurd, slavish, and destructive of the good and happiness of mankind.

Link of the Times;
We Are Objects In Their World:

Issue of the Times;
This Is What Happened After Several Schools Banned Cellphones by Marina Zhang

Banning cellphones in schools improved academics, reduced bullying, and reduced students’ need for counseling, a 73-page Norwegian paper found.

Girls benefited the most from the policies.

“Banning smartphones significantly decreases the health care take-up for psychological symptoms and diseases among girls,” Sara Sofie Abrahamsson, a postdoctoral researcher and the paper’s sole author, wrote in the abstract. Post-ban bullying among both genders decreases.”

The paper followed data from recent decades, mainly focusing on 2010 to 2020.

The researcher observed no negative impact from introducing such a policy.

“The phones are an absolute distraction. Even if a kid has the phone in their pocket during class, if the phone is on vibrate every time it vibrates, which is constantly, their mind automatically shifts away from what the teacher is teaching to the phone,” Tom Kersting, a psychotherapist who was a school counselor for 25 years, told The Epoch Times in agreement with the report’s findings.

As a proponent of banning phones in schools, Mr. Kersting suspected that Norway would see improvements in students’ academics, mental health, and social and emotional skills.

Major Findings

There are no national guidelines on smartphone use in Norway. Instead, schools make their own decisions on whether to allow smartphones.

Therefore, Ms. Abrahamsson used a survey to collect data from Norwegian middle schools on smartphone use and whether and when they had introduced any smartphone regulations.

These data were then matched to a school’s data, including student grades set by teachers and external exams, student GPAs, student visits to psychologists and general practitioners, and measurements for bullying.

Ms. Abrahamsson’s four major findings were as follows:

• The number of psychological consultations was reduced by 60 percent in female students.
• The incidence of bullying for both girls and boys lowered.
• Girls made gains in GPA and externally graded mathematics tests.
• Girls were more likely to attend an academic high school track.

The author found that the stricter the smartphone policy, the greater the improvement among female students. Stricter schools forbade students from bringing phones to school or required students to hand in their phones before the start of class.

Girls from low socioeconomic backgrounds showed the most improvement.

However, smartphone bans did not affect boys’ mental health and GPA.

A 2024 survey by America’s National Parents Union found that only 32 percent of parents support schools banning students from using their phones, though 43 percent reported that their child’s school had such a policy.

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, during the 2019–2020 school year, over 76 percent of schools prohibited nonacademic use of cellphones or smartphones during school hours.

Several school districts have introduced more stringent phone policies that have received growing support from teachers, students, and parents alike.

Bill Wilson, the superintendent of Brush School District in Colorado, who has a doctorate in education, introduced a change to the district’s cellphone policy in 2021.

While the district always had a policy prohibiting cellphone use during school hours, there were no consequences for violating this policy. So in 2021, a policy was implemented: Unexempted students caught using phones would have to get their parents to come to the school to remove the phone.

Mr. Wilson told The Epoch Times that when a phone-banning policy was first suggested, many parents came to hearings with the fear that schools wanted “to control their kid and take away their kid’s ability to contact them if something happened in the school day,“ implying that ”the schools are doing something inappropriate by not giving their kids their rights.”

The school policy was later amended so students could have their phones, but they had to be in their backpacks. Furthermore, students with medical conditions or certain obligations that required smartphone monitoring could check their phones in the school office.

Gradually, parents warmed up to such a policy.

“The more conversations we have, even with those who are vehemently opposed initially, the more they begin to realize that we’re on the same team,“ he said. ”We’re trying to help navigate what has become a very challenging situation successfully in the best interest of kids and the learning environment.”

Mr. Wilson said teachers and students were among the first groups to appreciate such a policy.

“[Students] were thankful to not have that distraction, and that pressure and that worry about whether somebody was going to make a comment about their clothes or take a picture of them or multiple pictures of them while they’re talking, and wait until they get a silly one and make a meme out of it,” Mr. Wilson said.

In schools that have implemented cellphone restrictions, teachers have also begun reporting that their students are more engaged in and out of class. Students have become more social and interact with each other, and disciplinary actions have been reduced.

Mr. Wilson sees smartphone bans at schools across the United States gradually becoming the norm.

In 2023, Florida became the first state to enact a statewide ban on phones and social media during class time.

The state’s Orange County also enacted a phone ban during school hours, with some teachers reporting a remarkable change in student behavior and classroom engagement.

Ohio, Oklahoma, Vermont, and Kansas have since passed bills to control phone use in schools. Several school districts, including those in Maryland, California, Virginia, and Connecticut, have also implemented phone bans.

“It’s happening more, and I think it’s becoming more restrictive. From no use during the school day, and then everybody has their own slice on whether students can have them,” Mr. Wilson said.

News of the Times;
Scientists Showed Structural, Brain-Wide Changes During Menstruation:

Awkward truth: Subsidizing women’s work drives down birthrates:

Here Are the Five Women Who Made the Insane Decision:

Planned Parenthood Abortions Among 'Top Four Leading Causes Of Death':

Manifesto of trans school shooter shows intentional targeting of white Christian children

Documents Catch NIH Officials Misleading Science Writers:

Antarctica Is Colder, Icier Today Than At Any Time In 5,000 Years:

Gay couples at greater risk from climate change:

Germany: Violent Migrant Crime Hit Record High in 2023:

Rail Union Warns German Train System Turning Into ‘Battleground’ Thanks to Male Migrants:

Louisiana Judge Sentences Man To Be Physically Castrated:

What Happened to Our Ship Repair Infrastructure?

Nearly 80% of Americans now see fast food as a 'luxury,'"

The Ghetto-ization of American Life:

"I've Been Totally Ghosted":
What time of day did God create Adam?

Just before Eve.


Whenever I tell someone where I live and they say, "OMG, that's so far out!"

I tell them, "Don't worry. I wasn't going to invite you over.


With his re-election campaign falling behind his opponent in fundraising, and after seeing how much money Donald Trump raised, President Joe Biden called up New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg to ask if he could get charged with a felony or two.

The Trump campaign experienced an overwhelming influx of donations in the wake of Trump's conviction on criminal charges in a New York court last week, leading Biden to seek to grow his campaign's coffers by requesting criminal charges of his own.

"Listen up, my negro," Biden reportedly said on the phone with Bragg. "This conviction has been a big boost for Trump. I'm thinking I might be able to get… I could maybe get… I could… I could get… I might have people throwing millions of dollars at me if I get charged with some felonies. None of this hush-money malarkey. Real serious stuff. You should see the list of stuff I've actually done. It'll curl your nose hairs, pal. Bribery. Murder. Trafficking underage broads. The whole deal. Anyway… give me some of those felony charges, will ya?"

District Attorney Bragg's office did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the report but a source within the DA's office confirmed that fictional crimes would not have to be created in order to charge members of the Biden family.

At publishing time, the White House had called Bragg again to let him know that a new shipment of Hunter's cocaine would be arriving on the premises soon if that would help in drawing felony charges.


Starting July 1st, customers will now be required to unload the semi-trucks at Walmart.

This will be in addition to your self-checkout duties.


What did Kermit the Frog say at Jim Henson’s funeral?


Quote of the Times;
"To wring the cold smile from a dead-eyed fanatic that hates my civilization, my nation, my faith, my family and my life is not one of my goals and should not be yours." - John C. Wright

Link of the Times;
Trust The "Science"... That Just Retracted 11,000 "Peer Reviewed" Papers:

Issue of the Times;
Study: 'Non-citizens' are registered to vote, could decide next President by WND Staff

'Enough to overturn the will of the American people'

One growing concern because of Joe Biden's open borders policy, and the millions of illegal aliens he has allowed into the United States, is the fact that many states have systems automatically offering them the opportunity to register to vote.

And they apparently do.

Now a stunning warning is coming out of a study that shows they're registered in numbers high enough to decide even a presidential election.

A report in the Georgia Star News offers the foreboding confirmation that "a new study by Just Facts has found that about 10 percent to 27 percent of non-citizen adults in the U.S. are now illegally registered to vote."

It continued, "The U.S. Census recorded more than 19 million adult non-citizens living in the U.S. during 2022. Given their voter registration rates, this means that about two million to five million of them are illegally registered to vote. These figures are potentially high enough to overturn the will of the American people in major elections, including congressional seats and the presidency."

The report noted that as far back as 2014, an analysis found that illegal votes by non-citizens "'likely' changed 'important election outcomes' in favor of Democrats, 'including Electoral College votes' and a 'pivotal' U.S. Senate race that enabled Democrats to pass Obamacare."

Just Facts then conducted a comparable assessment from the same time period, and found 16% "voted in the 2008 national elections."

Both of those assessments have margins of uncertainty that remain high because of small sample sizes and possible sources of error – including that people are self-reporting their own illegal actions.

The report noted "fact checkers" dispute the concerns, offering criticisms that are "mathematically illiterate and laced with unrealistic assumptions, empty arguments, half-truths, and outright falsehoods."

Among the critics of the study results is an Old Dominion associate professor who charges that only 1% of non-citizens are registered to vote.

But those claims, research has suggested, are nothing more than "lowball estimates."

Instead, the report said, the Just Facts' latest work reveals the best registration figures document the estimate of 10% to 27% of adult non-citizens are registered to vote, and that, "In presidential elections, roughly half of non-citizens who are registered turn out to vote. Given that about 10 percent to 27 percent of them are currently registered, this means about 5 percent to 13 percent of them will illegally vote in the 2024 presidential and congressional elections."

The report said, "The U.S. Census recorded a population of 19.7 million voting-age non-citizens in the U.S. during 2022. This is an absolute minimum because the Census doesn’t count masses of non-citizens who falsely claim to be citizens or don’t fill out Census surveys. Also, the figure of 19.7 million doesn’t include multitudes of non-citizens who’ve entered since 2022. This includes people who legally immigrated, crossed the border illegally, or were allowed into the country under the Biden administration’s parole policies."

The Star report explained, "Roughly 1.0 million to 2.7 million non-citizens will illegally vote in the 2024 presidential and congressional elections unless stronger election integrity measures are implemented."

One solution is the GOP's plan to require "proof of United States citizenship" to register to vote, the report said. That effort likely is a beneficial plan, as legacy media outlets such as CNN, NBC News, NPR and more already have "attacked the bill as unnecessary," the report said.

The results also skew one direction.

The report said, "In the 2008 presidential election, 82 percent of non-citizens who admitted that they voted stated that they voted for Democrat Barack Obama, while only 18 percent said they voted for Republican John McCain."

Surveys show that from 2006 to 2022 73% to 82% of non-citizens supported Democratic candidates, the report said.

News of the Times;
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Thomas Jefferson High School Drops Out of Top Ten Nationwide:

US Navy secretary says he was 'floored' by a Pacific ally's shipbuilding abilities:

Suicide Mission:

Tradwives, stay-at-home girlfriends and the dream of feminine leisure:

The Inevitable Result of Intersectional Gender Studies:

California’s Broken Diversity Promise:

Democrat-Run St. Louis Enters ‘Doom Loop’:

I’ve Been at NPR for 25 Years:

DHS Admits Border Has Been Open To Criminals And Terrorists:

Here’s What Biden’s Campaign Wants to Keep Secret:

The Third World is Going to Cop It:

Transgender sex offender after trying to snatch young boy from elementary school:

The Trans Reckoning Is Here:

Fat pride activists die from obesity:
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