Daily Pics, My Comic, and The Times
the Daily
the Comic
the Blog
I finally got 8 hours of sleep.

It took three nights, but, whatever.


Pour a glass of wine and smell it.

If you can smell the wine, drink it to see if you can taste it.

If you can smell it and taste it, that means you don't have COVID

Last night, I did the test 19 times and each one was negative, thank God. Tonight, I'm going to repeat the test because I woke up with a headache and feel like I'm coming down with something.


Starbucks, a common sight on U.S. military installations worldwide, has ordered its rapid-recon force to Ukraine to scout locations of open coffee spots for the next unnecessary conflict.

With news of Russia massing more than 100,000 troops on Ukraine’s eastern border, the company has deployed its Detachment Ensuring Coffee for American Forces commando unit to map suitable locations. “The DECAF unit, made up of former military service members, has identified at least a dozen candidate sites from which our next generation of soldiers will get their caffeine fix while being bled dry in our next forever war,” said Green Beans CEO Jason Araghi.

“Napoleon’s Grande Armée and Hitler’s Wehrmacht lost because they didn’t have hot coffee drinks on demand to take the edge off the infamous Russian winter,” Araghi continued during a news conference at the company’s headquarters.

“Our brave men and women can rest assured that they’ll be able to wake up from their warm containerized housing unit beds to a hot cup of coffee before leaving the safety of their green zones to search for whoever lobbed a half-assed mortar attack.”

“Because that’s totally how a fight with the Russian Army will work, right? Like all this Middle East bullshit over the past 20 years?” Araghi asked with a nervous laugh.
Starbucks Corporation also plans to test its new Modular Overseas Coffee House Assembler to expedite the deployment of creature comforts to forward areas. Co-developed with DARPA, a MOCHA device is not much larger than a cafeteria refrigerator and can unfold into a functioning coffee press within five minutes of activation.

While the Pentagon declined to comment on any potential deployments to Ukraine or Eastern Europe, Pentagon spokesman John F. Kirby praised the initiative of Starbucks, 7-Eleven and other companies that cater to the armed forces.

“Starbucks, like Burger King, Cinnabon and other corporations, have become just as important to the military-industrial complex as Northrop and Raytheon,” said Kirby. “They’ve always been there to boost morale every time we deploy troops to Whocaresistan because some local warlord won’t let girls go to school.”

At press time, senior defense officials confirmed they were also monitoring Burger King personnel who were recently spotted measuring beach gradients along the Black Sea ahead of a potential amphibious insertion.



Having a teenage daughter is like having a cat that only comes out to eat and hisses when you try to be nice to it.

I can't even imagine the level of self-control needed to work at a bubble wrap company.

Our town is so small, we don't have a town drunk so we all take turns!

People who fall asleep quickly freak me out, I mean, don't they thoughts?

Of all the things I learned in grade school, 'trying to avoid cooties' was the last one I expected to use later in life.

If you think things are bad now, I'm hearing that the next variant knows how to play the bagpipes.

Sometimes you meet someone and you know from the first moment that you want to spend your whole life without them.

So you know, when I say, "The other day", that could be any time between yesterday and 15 years ago.

I like my men like my coffee: sliding off the roof of my car as I drive away.

I was going to make a joke about carpentry, but I don't think it wood work.


My new girlfriend is really into bondage.

I can't say I'm too keen on the idea, however my hands are tied.

Quote of the Times;
If there is risk, there must be choice. - Dr. Robert Malone

Link of the Times;

Issue of the Times;
Last Men Standing: Charles Murray vs. Ibram X. Kendi by Steve Sailer

The media-declared racial reckoning has elicited from Charles Murray, coauthor of 1994’s epochal The Bell Curve, an important rebuttal: a short, lucid book entitled Facing Reality: Two Truths about Race in America.

In January 2020, Murray published a long, scholarly book, Human Diversity: The Biology of Gender, Race, and Class, a meta-meta-analysis of the latest meta-analyses in the human sciences. It received virtually zero publicity.

Now he’s back with a more polemical, less daunting read about the essential factors influencing society: intelligence and violence.

The two realities that are fundamental to understanding the headlines of 2021 are that, on average, blacks and (to a lesser extent) Hispanics are more crime-prone and less smart than whites (much less Asians).

Lately, though, these facts seem inconceivable to most conformist Americans. Still, lying is bad for the soul. So is losing because you are too cowardly to tell the truth. Murray explains:

I am also aware of a paradox: I want America to return to the ideal of treating people as individuals, so I have to write a book that treats Americans as groups. But there’s no way around it. Those of us who want to defend the American creed have been unwilling to say openly that races have significant group differences. Since we have been unwilling to say that, we have been defenseless against claims that racism is to blame for unequal outcomes. What else could it be? We have been afraid to answer candidly.

In his section on IQ trends since The Bell Curve 27 years ago, Murray briefly notes the decline of the once-dominant centrists who assumed that any gaps between whites and blacks could be eliminated with whatever their favorite one weird trick was. In his 1984 book, Losing Ground, the libertarian Murray himself wrote:

I suggest that when we give such parents vouchers, we will observe substantial convergence of black and white test scores in a single generation.

But by The Bell Curve a decade later, Murray and coauthor Richard J. Herrnstein had concluded that IQ gaps were “intractable.”

More than a quarter of a century afterward, not much evidence has since emerged against that conclusion. Although Murray argues in Facing Reality that the white-black IQ difference might have fallen from over fifteen points in the past to just twelve points during the thirty years (he estimates from federal NAEP test scores over the last decade that on an IQ scale with the national average at 100, blacks average 91, Latinos 94, whites 103, and Asians 108), the narrowing seems to have stopped in the later 1980s. I’d add that, following the optimistic Cosby Show era of the mid-1980s, these years saw the rise of crack cocaine and gangsta rap, interrelated scourges that appear to have done long-lasting damage to African-American culture.

After The Bell Curve, the great and good made immense efforts to Close The Gap, if only to prove Murray wrong. For example, the No Child Left Behind Act of 2002, pushed by George W. Bush and Ted Kennedy, mandated the Lake Wobegonization of America: Every single public school student must score “proficient” by 2014.

That didn’t happen.

Similarly, Bill Gates poured huge sums into, first, the “small learning communities” fad of the 2000s and then the “Common Core” whoop-de-do of the 2010s. Neither accomplished anything noticeable.

Today, after 55 years of vast spending to eliminate the race gap on tests, the optimistic centrist education reformers of the “All We Have To Do Is Implement My Favorite Panacea” school are finally out of fashion, leaving Ibram X. Kendi and Charles Murray as the last men standing. One or the other must be right: either Murray (blacks, unfortunately, have problems because they tend to be less smart and more violent) or Kendi (any disparities demonstrate that whites are evil and therefore must pay).

To you or me, this might seem like an unfair fight: Murray is one of the great public intellectuals of my lifetime, while Kendi barely broke 1000 on his SAT.

But, The Establishment no longer really believes that race gaps can be reduced. Instead, the new conventional wisdom is Kendi’s: Tests must be abolished. This will make the problems caused by lower black intelligence go away for Underpants Gnomes reasons. As Murray explains:

The activists say that the tests are worthless—products of White privilege, designed to perpetuate White privilege. In their minds, they don’t need evidence of bias; the existence of lower mean scores for Africans and Latins is in itself irrefutable evidence of bias because everyone knows there are no race differences in intelligence. This is argued with all the passion and conviction that true believers bring to their evangelism. It does not reflect reality.

Despite its short length, Facing Reality uncovers some important data that I’ve never seen before. For example, as I’ve often complained, the well-known FBI crime statistics inextricably confuse white and Latino criminals so that it’s been best just to look at black vs. nonblack rates. For instance, blacks were 8.2 times as likely as nonblacks to be known murder offenders in the federal 2019 stats, but we can’t figure out from the FBI numbers the black-to-white ratio that everybody is most interested in.

Murray, however, has uncovered newly available arrest statistics from the Open Data Initiative by race (with Hispanics usually broken out) and type of crime for thirteen cities, including New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Washington, D.C.

For property crime, Murray finds, Latinos were arrested 1.5 times as often as whites, a modest difference especially considering the disparity in average age. My vague impression going back to the 1970s in the San Fernando Valley (a surprising number of my memories from that decade involve my long search for an uncuttable bicycle lock) is that Mexicans used to have a worse thievery problem than they do now.

Perhaps Mexicans have evolved cultural norms over time against burglary because so many are now employed working in homes and yards and they don’t want to tarnish their people’s reputation for being trustworthy enough to let onto your property?

If so, good for them.

Groups can sometimes change for the better, if they want to enough.

But nobody anymore asks blacks to do better.

Blacks in these thirteen cities were arrested for property offenses five times as often per capita as whites.

Are cops just racistly arresting blacks for ticky-tack property offenses like, say, taking an extra newspaper from the rack?

One way to get a clue about this is to look at more serious incidents, such as violent crimes. Does the racial gap in arrests lessen as the crimes get more serious?

No. Hispanics were arrested for violence about 2.7 times as often as whites, while blacks were arrested almost ten times as much.

How about murder, the most diligently investigated of all crimes?

Latinos are arrested for murder about five times more often per capita than whites, while blacks are about twenty times more likely than whites to be arrested for murder.

Could this extraordinary ratio be due to police bias? Hardly. The cops arresting an innocent black man for a murder actually committed by an evil white sounds to reporters like a Pulitzer Prize-winning story and a seven-figure deal for the movie rights.

The Hispanic murder rate is atrocious, but, despite roughly equal levels of poverty, the black murder rate is still four times worse. It seems reasonable to me to ask blacks to cut their murder rate by 75 percent, down to the Latino level. Yet, apparently, nobody else does. Instead, The Establishment has taken to apologizing to blacks for their not being above the law.

Keep in mind that the actual black-to-white murder ratio is likely somewhat worse than 20 to 1 because blacks have more of a culture of “snitches get stitches,” and thus in the black parts of town a lower percentage of murders are cleared by the cops.

In conclusion, like all of Murray’s works, this book is a thing of beauty, with superb graphs and text layout.

Whether Facing Reality will inspire a desperately needed national conversation on the reality of racial differences, or whether it will be deep-sixed like Human Diversity, remains to be seen.

But Murray has given it his best shot.

News of the Times;
My wife calls me "the earthquake."

Whenever we have a dispute, I'm always at fault.


My boss won't stop flirting with me.

It makes me incredibly uncomfortable.

Mainly because we're a family run business.


Genie: I shall grant you 3 wishes.

Me: I wish for a world without lawyers.

Genie: Done, you have no more wishes.

Me: But you said 3?

Genie: Sue me.


My wife has been missing for a week.

The police called me and said to prepare for the worst.

So I went back to Goodwill and bought all her clothes back.


Doctors in Maryland performed the first successful heart transplant, using a pig's heart instead of a human's.

The patient was said to be doing fine.

The donor was said to be delicious.

Quote of the Times;
“Agriculture is our wisest pursuit, because it will in the end contribute most to real wealth, good morals & happiness.” – Thomas Jefferson

Link of the Times;

Issue of the Times;
Matt Walsh Issues Scathing Response To LGBT Activists ‘Traumatized,’ Given ‘Nightmares’ By His Dr. Phil Appearance by Ben Zeisloft

Before the episode debuted, “nonbinary” activist Addison posted an Instagram story accusing the “Dr. Phil” team of tricking Addison and fellow “nonbinary” activist Ethan to contribute to the panel under false pretenses. The post also claimed that Walsh’s arguments — such as his request for Addison and Ethan to define the word “woman” — gave them “nightmares” and induced crippling anxiety.

On the show today I delivered a compassionate response to my fellow Dr Phil panelists who claim to have been traumatized by my presence on the panel
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) January 20, 2022

“What’s more, I think you’re narcissists and bullies,” Walsh said. “I don’t think you give a damn about anybody or anything but yourselves. I think you advocate for opening up bathrooms and sports teams because, from your perspective, the rape, trauma, and abuse that happens as a result is worth it — as long as your ideology wins the day and your self-perceptions are reinforced. Because that’s all you care about.”

“I think you represent something that is not only anti-scientific and irrational, but evil. And I think you have evil intentions,” he continued. “I think you’re bad people, and I think that you are neither correct nor well-meaning. And if one person in the whole world, in your whole life, saying this to you causes you to spiral into depression and be plagued by nightmares, maybe that should clue you in. It sounds like your conscience is trying to tell you something.”

Walsh noted that he and his family face constant threats and mean comments — but without the benefit of a society willing to accept him without question.

“I encounter more outright hostility in a day than you have in your whole life. … I didn’t have the audience clapping for me. You do,” he added. “And yet I’ve slept like a baby every night since that taping. That’s because I know I’m standing in the truth — not just factually, but morally. You don’t have that same self-assurance.”

“Well, maybe you should look within yourself. That’s all you ever do anyway. You’re constantly staring back into yourself, shouting into the cavern of your own ego, listening to the echo. Well, while you’re in there, maybe try a bit of actual introspection. It might serve you well.”

Beyond his debunking of left-wing gender ideology on “Dr. Phil,” Walsh is a children’s author — penning “Johnny the Walrus,” a bestselling book that challenges the transgender agenda being pushed on children.

“It took me many laborious months to write,” Walsh recently recounted. “Countless nights were spent hunched over my typewriter, honing and crafting this work of literature. In brief, it is a story about a creative and imaginative young child. Like most young children, he likes to play pretend. One day, he pretends to be a walrus. He even has wood spoons in his mouth like tusks and socks on his hands like fins.”

“But unfortunately his mommy is the confused and impressionable sort, and she learns from the internet that if your child identifies as something, then he must actually be that thing,” he continued. “Over time, though (spoiler alert), Johnny’s mommy comes to understand that just because a child pretends to be something, that doesn’t mean he actually is what he’s pretending to be.”

News of the Times;
If you're going to name a virus variant Omicron.

At least humor us by adding Persei 8 to the title.


While I was working in the men's section of a department store, a woman asked me to help her choose a white dress shirt for her husband.

When I asked about his size, the woman looked stumped at first, then her face brightened. She held up her hands, forming a circle with her forefingers and thumbs.

"I don't know his size," she said, "but my hands fit PERFECTLY around his neck."


A truck driver who had been out on the road for two weeks, stopped at a brothel on the outskirts of a small town.

He walked straight up to the Madam, laid down $500 and said, “I would like your ugliest woman and a plate of lukewarm greasy food!”

The Madam was surprised by this request and said to him, “But sir, for that kind of money you could have one of my finest ladies and a three course meal”.

The truck driver replied, “Listen Darlin, I ain’t horny, I’m just homesick”.


Demi Lovato showed off a new spider tattoo that you can plainly see on the left side of her shaved head.

Other than that, she's doing great!


My friend came by today, he looked visibly upset. He said he just slept with his third cousin.

I told him if it upsets you so much, quit counting them.

Quote of the Times;
I was never one who sought to make the small man tall by cutting off the legs of a giant. I wanted to drag no man down to my size. Only to preserve a way of life which might make it possible for me, one day, to elevate myself until I at least partly matched his size. – Harvey

Link of the Times;

Issue of the Times;
Jamaican National Accused of Murdering 19yo Cashier in NYC Demands 'Reparations' For '400 Years of Slavery' by Chris Menahan

The 30-year-old Jamaican national accused of murdering 19-year-old cashier Kristal Bayron-Nieves while robbing a Burger King in East Harlem demanded "reparations" for "400 years of f***ing slavery" after being arrested.

Police have released this video of an armed man who shot a #BurgerKing cashier last night during a robbery in East Harlem. The victim, 19 year old Kristal Bayron Nieves, has since died of her injuries
— Kiran Dhillon (@KiranDhillonTV) January 9, 2022

Video of the suspect accused of shooting dead a Hispanic female working at a Burger King in Harlem, NY. Winston Glynn shouts about reparations & slavery. He allegedly shot the teen after robbing the restaurant. He was a recipient of public assistance (EBT)
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) January 15, 2022

From The Daily Mail, "Homeless man who shot dead teen cashier in cold blood at Burger King where he used to work had been released without bail in November for screwdriver attack: Screamed 'America's gonna burn' during wide-eyed perp-walk":

A 30-year-old career criminal yelled 'America's gonna burn' after being arrested over the cold-blooded murder of a 19-year-old Burger King cashier during a robbery this week - and the homeless man was free to kill after being released without bail for menacing another man with a screwdriver little more than a month before the murder.

Winston Glynn was tracked down in Brooklyn after an intense citywide manhunt following the shocking murder of Kristal Bayron-Nieves at the East Harlem Burger King, where NYPD officials said Glynn previously had worked.

Glynn was out on the street following his arrest on November 30 because his crime was 'not bail eligible.'

The Jamaican immigrant was being led out of the 25th Precinct stationhouse after being booked Friday afternoon when he launched into his rant as an angry crowd cursed at him in English and Spanish. The victim was Puerto Rican.

'Why am I guilty?' Glynn shouted through the blue mask covering his face as officers walked him to a waiting police car.

'You know they charge n*****s every day?

'Where's our reparations for four hundred years of f***ing slavery.'

Detectives attempted to load the handcuffed suspect into the back of the car when he screamed 'f*** you all! and then bellowed, 'America's gonna BURN!'

The cops then grabbed him by the shoulders and the top of his head as they struggled to shove him in the vehicle.

But Glynn had one last parting shout for those calling him 'garbage' and much worse in Spanish.

'Do you wanna start a war between Latinos and n*****s?! Do you wanna start a war?' he hollered.
Glynn faces charges of first-degree murder, first-degree robbery, criminal use of a firearm and criminal possession of a weapon.

Should we just send our reparations payments to him directly?

Do we owe reparations to all Jamaican nationals who just showed up yesterday?

Vice President Kamala Harris is the descendant of Jamaican slave owners, should we send her reparations checks too?

Whether or not this guy has mental problems, isn't it remarkable how he's got the narrative down pat?

As soon as you cross our border you can become an "aggrieved minority" that's "oppressed" by the "evil white man" (who you traveled thousands of miles to come and live with after fleeing your own country and your own people).

You can demand reparations for slavery, get free healthcare, heaps of welfare and ramble on about how you "built this country" to applause from libtards and the media.

You can even demand the right to vote!

New York City's new mayor Eric Adams just last week signed a bill into law to give non-citizens like Glynn the right to vote in municipal elections.

This is what we're told is "progress!"

News of the Times;
The more I get to know people.

The more I realize why Noah let only animals on the boat.


My dear friend, a divorcee, never remarried, and her daughter wanted to know why.

"The men I know would bring too much heavy baggage to the marriage and I simply don't want to put up with it," she explained.

Taking her mother's hand in hers, my friend's daughter said sweetly, "I hate to break the news to you, Mom, but you're not exactly carry on."


In a historic first, the inflation rate of the U.S. Dollar has surpassed the approval rating of the President.

"Wow! My inflation is way higher than Trump's inflation! Take that, Trump!" said Biden to an orange he had mistaken for Trump. "It's so high it even passed my really high approval rating! That's how you do it, Jack!"

According to experts, runaway inflation is so high that it has broken the inflation meters on all the economist's inflation measuring machines. Many are concerned this will make the poor become instantly much poorer, even as the wealthy and the political class are protected since they are able to ride on top of the inflation wave on their very expensive inflation wave surfboards.

Biden's approval rating is not doing nearly as well, with several pollsters revealing it has melted down and sunk deep into the Earth's core like a massive malfunctioning nuclear reactor.

The administration hopes they can turn things around by passing some massively popular legislation, like a federal takeover of elections.


I was in a taxi today and the driver said, "I love my job. I'm my own boss. Nobody tells me what to do."

Then I said: "Turn left here."


There was a nasty storm over the Madrid airport.

The rain in Spain fell mainly on the planes.

Quote of the Times;
Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! – Henry

Link of the Times;

Issue of the Times;
What Issue Was Really at the Heart of the Civil War, and is it Relevant Today? by William Sullivan

Most Americans today have a romanticized (and extraordinarily narrow) historical understanding of the conflict that we call the Civil War.

In their imaginations, it goes something like this: With passions inflamed by a moral renaissance in the North regarding the institution of slavery in the South, the two sides decided to go to war over the issue. In the end, the evil South was righteously razed by the armies of the North, and thus, slavery was ended, and the former slaves made American citizens, as Abraham Lincoln intended.

If you think this an unfair caricature of the extent of the average American’s knowledge on the subject, I’d wager you haven’t spoken to many people under 50 about the subject. Our young and middle-aged enjoy a collective memory of this fantastic tale of good and evil, and so many of our countrymen believe that it actually occurred in this way that presenting any alternative or more nuanced version of the story earns a million accusations of supporting “white supremacy.”

But the truth matters. And the telling of it matters, perhaps now more than ever because, at the rate that the leftists who indoctrinated generations to believe that fable are now using academia to rewrite history and are controlling modern avenues for free speech, opportunities to do so may be scarce in the future.

And, also, the true story is important because it’s incredibly relevant today.

The truth is most certainly not that Abraham Lincoln and the Union soldiers were so moved by the moral arguments against slavery that they were compelled to invade and destroy the South. Likewise, Robert E. Lee and Confederate soldiers didn’t pick up their rifles and start shooting at their former countrymen because they thought they were coming to take away the slaves that fewer than 10 percent of Southerners owned.

That’s just silly, and in a sane world, anyone suggesting it would be ridiculed into irrelevance.

The truth is, as Clifford Dowdey observes in his opening statements of The History of the Confederacy 1832-1865:

The Civil War was fought for thirty years before the mounting antagonisms exploded in a clash of arms. The period from Nullification in 1832 until Fort Sumter in 1861 constituted a long period of cold war, even by today’s standards. Men who opposed one another in the opening phases of the conflict had gone to their rewards when the shooting began, and the generation in the South which was to die had not been born when South Carolina first defied the Union. The quarrel was passed on, like a baton in a relay race, from generation to generation, until the men who settled in the bloodiest violence had little notion of what had started it.

The initial salvo which began this cold war did not actually occur in 1832 but in 1828. The federal government issued new tariffs which were, by design, both harmful to the South and beneficial to Northern producers. A tariff of nearly 49-percent was issued on nearly all imported goods. The consequence was not only that Northern industries were protected by artificially pricing European competitors out of the market, but agrarian Southern economies were double-struck by being required to pay more for goods they had previously imported and the reduction in European trade meant less money for Europeans to compete for Southern cotton. And to make matters worse, there was fear in the South of retaliatory tariffs from Europe which would further harm commerce. Understandably, this came to be known in the South as the Tariff of Abominations, and it led to the 1832 Nullification Crisis.

South Carolina threatened to secede, but armed conflict was avoided (and bitter resentment assured) by the 1833 passage of both the Force Bill and the Compromise Tariff, which gave the federal government the right to militarily enforce tariffs and lowered the tariff rates, respectively.

It was this question which was at the heart of this constitutional crisis, “a bedrock question,” writes Robert Selph Henry in The Story of the Confederacy, “going to the very nature of government… The fundamental question of the relation of the states to the government they had created.”

South Carolina was far from the first to threaten secession. In the seventy years between the Founding and South Carolina’s eventual secession, for example, New England seriously threatened secession twice -- once on the grounds that federal embargoes after the War of 1812 harmed commerce, and again after the annexation of Texas in 1845 and disagreement with American foreign policy in the War with Mexico.

The central question regarding secession, in both cases, was the same as South Carolina’s in 1832 and 1861. If the people of a state surmise that the federal government is pursuing a policy that compromises the liberty and prosperity of its citizens, does that state have to conform to what is perceived by the people of the state as an unconstitutional abuse of power, or, more bluntly, intolerable tyranny?

Dumbing down history to simple, easily digestible falsehoods (like “the Civil War was fought to free the slaves,” for example) is the easiest and most effective way to make those falsehoods common knowledge. That’s why the leftist propagandists and racial grievance hustlers in academia, the media, and the government do it. The truth about what led the country to the Civil War, however, is anything but simple or easily digestible. But I think Clifford Dowdey offers a fairly good summation:

[The North and South] had diverged into patterns of life which became increasingly antithetical; antagonisms and rivalries grew in intensity. The industrial North did wish to buy cheap and sell dear at the expense of the South, while Northern money power needed the South in a colonial status for exploitation. Slavery did exist in the South, and there was a high moral tone in the issue of freedom, held by a small minority. Extremists on both sides did inflame passions. There was, as an amalgam of all this, the nationalistic sweep of the new industrial middle-class society represented by the North, in alliance with the expanding, democratic West, and against these the South stood as an anachronistic, arrogant feudal culture in the path of manifest destiny. All of this defines the elements of duality within the corporate body of the nation; yet, put them all together, with equal emphases or any single emphasis, and the element of explosion is missing.

That element was similar to the violence inherent in the split personality of the schizophrenic. There the separate parts are locked in a struggle which must be resolved if the corporate body is to function. If this warring duality cannot be resolved, an explosion is inevitable.

There should be little need to expound upon the parallels to today in that, but here goes:

Red and blue states have, in fact, diverged into patterns of life that have become increasingly antithetical in recent years, and antagonisms and rivalries are growing in intensity. Blue states did fleece the taxpayers of red states last year by demanding a federal bailout for their decision to keep their states irrationally closed during the pandemic and in order to keep their broken, and internally unsustainable, entitlement programs afloat. There is a high moral tone being expressed on abortion in red states, an institution that disregards the right to life among the unborn just as the institution of slavery disregarded the right to liberty among slaves. Extremists on both sides are inflaming passions. Effete coastal liberals and elitists in the media and academia view middle-class, red-state denizens as anachronistic God-worshippers who prioritize their families and communities before the needs of the national collective, and are thereby impediments on that Hegelian path of history toward their inevitable vision of “progress.”

Red and blue states do, in many ways, seem like separate parts locked in a struggle that must be resolved if we are to function as a nation. Will this warring duality be resolved, or will we explode when, for example, the federal government decides to mandate vaccination IDs be issued by all of the states, and several states refuse?

Again, if the people of a state surmise that the federal government is pursuing a policy that compromises the liberty and prosperity of its citizens, does that state have to conform to what is perceived by the people of the state as an unconstitutional abuse of power, or can it express its autonomy and liberty without the prospect of being attacked by the federal government for having done so?

That is the central question that was at the heart of the Civil War. And we are fools to not consider that it’s the likeliest question that will be at the heart of the next one or to understand that it’s certainly the question at the heart of the semi-cold war between right and left in America today.

News of the Times;
How do you stop Canadian bacon from curling in your frying pan?

You take away their little brooms.


As my wife lay dying in the hospital bed, she looked at me and said, "My life is flashing before my eyes."

"That's great," I replied. "See if you can spot where you lost my car keys."


Once I saw this guy on a bridge about to jump. I said, “Don’t do it!” He said, “Nobody loves me.” I said, “God loves you. Do you believe in God?”

He said, “Yes.” I said, “Are you a Christian or a Jew?” He said, “A Christian.” I said, “Me, too! Protestant or Catholic?” He said, “Protestant.” I said, “Me, too! What franchise?” He said, “Baptist.” I said, “Me, too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?” He said, “Northern Baptist.” I said, “Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?”

He said, “Northern Conservative Baptist.” I said, “Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region, or Northern Conservative Baptist Eastern Region?” He said, “Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region.” I said, “Me, too!”

“Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?” He said, “Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912.” I said, “Die, heretic!” And I pushed him over.


A man take his wife to the doctor for an annual checkup. When the doctor calls the woman in, she turns to her husband and says, “Let’s go Harold.”

The husband dutifully follows her into the doctor’s examination room. The doctor says, “Mrs. Sanders, I have been practicing medicine for 35 years and built a very honorable reputation. You can certainly trust me."

The wife replies, “Oh I trust you, doctor. It’s my husband I don’t trust with your pretty receptionist out there.”


What do you call a morning meal from a hotel which gives you diarrhea?

An incontinental breakfast.

Quote of the Times;
“The overwhelming number of deaths, over 75%, occurred in people who had at least four co-morbidities. So really these are people who were unwell to begin with.” - CDC Director Rochelle Walensky

Link of the Times;

Issue of the Times;
The Media’s Color-Coded Parenting Standard by Heather Mac Donald

On April 19, 2021, McDonald’s CEO Chris Kempczinski suggested in a text to Chicago’s mayor that the parents of two children recently killed in Chicago’s gang activity had “failed those kids.” Kempczinski’s text became public in November 2021, prompting widespread accusations of racism and calls for his resignation. Kempczinski confessed to his white privilege and apologized profusely for holding parents responsible for the fate of their children.

On December 3, a district attorney in Michigan filed involuntary manslaughter charges against the parents of Ethan Crumbley. The 15-year-old Crumbley allegedly killed four fellow students during a shooting rampage at his Oxford, Michigan high school on November 30. The prosecutor based her indictment of Crumbley’s parents on the fact that they had allowed Ethan to access a legally purchased handgun and ought to have known that the boy was primed to kill his classmates. The press, Democratic politicians, and gun control advocates greeted the homicide charges against the Crumbley parents with ecstatic approbation.

The divergent reactions to the Kempczinski text message and the Crumbleys’ indictment illuminate the different standards to which minority parents and white parents are held. When black juveniles perpetrate street violence, the press and public officials almost never ask: where were the parents? The less involved a parent is in a child’s life, the less society expects of him. These double standards may have a benign intent, but they enable a cultural dysfunction whose effects are thousands of times more lethal than school shootings.

Kempczinski made his ill-fated suggestion of parental responsibility after seven-year-old Jaslyn Adams was gunned down by her father’s gang rivals. Jaslyn and her father Jontae Adams were parked in a McDonald’s drive-thru lane on Chicago’s West Side on April 18, 2021, when two gunmen jumped out of a car and unleashed at least 45 shots at their car. Jaslyn was struck six times and died; Jontae was seriously wounded. A convicted heroin dealer, Jontae knew that his gang’s enemies were out for his blood. The day before the shooting, he tweeted: “Opps probably downstairs waiting on me.”

A few weeks before Jaslyn Adams’s murder, 13-year-old Adam Toledo was out running the streets at 2:30 a.m. with a fellow gang member. Both Toledo and his associate Ruben Roman were armed. ShotSpotter technology picked up eight rounds of gunfire from the pair; two calls to 911 also reported the shots. Toledo and Roman fled from the responding officers; the officer who chased Toledo down an alley shouted at him to “stop it” or “drop it [i.e., the gun].” In an almost instantaneous succession of events, Toledo wheeled toward the officer with his gun in his hand, then dropped the weapon and put his hands up. A fraction of a second later, the officer shot him once, fatally. Opinion is divided on whether the cop was justified in firing his weapon.

A day after the Jaslyn Adams murder, Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot paid an unrelated visit to McDonald’s headquarters. Kempczinski thanked Lightfoot via text message for her visit and added: regarding the “tragic shootings. . . , both at our restaurant yesterday and with Adam Toldeo [sic]. With both, the parents failed those kids which I know is something you can’t say. Even harder to fix.”

Kempczinski would pay the price for saying the unsayable. After activists obtained and released the text message in November, a coalition including Color of Change and Showing Up for Racial Justice released an open letter to the CEO: “Your text message was ignorant, racist and unacceptable coming from anyone,” the letter read, “let alone the CEO of McDonald’s, a company that spends big money to market to communities of color and purports to stand with Black Lives.” McDonald’s employees and race advocates protested outside the company’s headquarters and demanded reparations. U.S. representative Bobby Rush joined calls for Kempczinski to resign. A McDonald’s worker told a local TV station that Kempczinski was “putting the blame on parents for the violence in the streets. He can’t relate because he is wealthy.” Jaslyn Adams’s mother, heretofore a cipher, emerged from her obscurity to vent her anger: “How dare you judge me! . . . You come from privilege. You can’t speak about me.”

Lightfoot’s office joined the denunciations: “Victim shaming has no place in this conversation,” a press release read. (“Victim-shaming” is a euphemism for ascribing moral agency to a favored victim class.)

Kempczinski went into penance mode. He held “listening sessions” with franchise owners, employees, and corporate managers. He repeatedly accused himself of racial insensitivity. “Not taking the time to think about this from their viewpoint was wrong, and lacked the empathy and compassion I feel for these families,” Kempczinski said in one message. “This is a lesson that I will carry with me.” A few days later, Kempczinski announced: “My texts to the Mayor of Chicago were wrong—plain and simple. I am truly sorry and I know I have let you down. I also know this has conflicted with our values—values that you have all worked so hard to embody across the business.”

Kempczinski was right the first time around. Had 13-year-old Adam Toledo not been gangbanging at 2:30 a.m., had he been in bed or at the very least at home and out of trouble, he would be alive today. His parents (in this case, the usual single mother) were responsible for keeping him off the streets. Did Toledo’s mother know he had a gun? And if not, should she have known? Those questions may not be asked.

Jaslyn Adams’s father Jontae did come under fleeting criticism for his role in her death. In May 2021, Chicago radio host Leon Rogers asked Adams how, if he knew that he was a target of gang rivals, he could have made the decision to “move around with that baby girl, knowing there is possibly someone out there who wants to hurt you?” Adams danced around the question: “My daughter wanted McDonald’s. I tried to Uber McDonald’s,” he responded. “As far as my actions or my past, maybe it had something to do with it. But I was a father the day my daughter died. . . . I don’t remember gang-banging. I don’t remember what led to it.”

Chicago Tribune columnist Dahleen Glanton issued an even more definitive accusation of parental negligence: “Gang-banging and parenting don’t mix. Those who engage in gang activity should have to make a choice—either give up gang life or forfeit the ability to be a good dad. . . . When a bullet meant for [the father] kills a child, he becomes an unwitting accomplice in the murder.”

Glanton and Rogers are black, so their criticism of Jontae Adams flew under the radar, leaving just Kempczinski to bear the wrath of the race activists.

Contrast the response to Kempczinski with the public attitude toward Ethan Crumbley’s parents. Even if one agrees with the indictment holding them criminally responsible for their son’s murder rampage, one can still wonder why other parents are treated as nonexistent. The Crumbleys’ very presence in their son’s life and their responsiveness to the authorities made them available as a target of criminal liability. They both came to the school when officials summoned them but declined to pull Ethan from school on the day of the shooting, because they both worked and didn’t want to send him to an empty home. Had they been from the inner city and not shown up at all, no media figure would have objected. But because the Crumbleys responded to the school, the media can ask why they didn’t search Ethan’s backpack to see if he was carrying his gun. We could ask the same question of parents whose children are out on the streets every night, obviously up to no good.

Where, for example, did the following juveniles get their guns, and why didn’t their parents intervene?

On November 14, 2021, an 11-year-old boy in Chicago stole a woman’s car at gunpoint, the latest in a series of carjackings in which he was allegedly involved. On November 28, 2021, a 13-year-old boy led the police in Antioch, California, on a 2 a.m. chase in a car that had been stolen at gunpoint in nearby Oakland. That same day, a 13-year-old boy and a 12-year-old boy were arrested in connection with the armed carjacking of a pizza delivery man in San Leandro, California. The assailants had dragged the victim out of his car at gunpoint. In the Minneapolis suburb of Roseville, on November 4, two young teenagers held a gun to a woman’s head as she exited her gym at 10 p.m. and stole her SUV. A car chase and foot chase through downtown St. Paul ensued, with the police eventually arresting all the car’s illegal occupants: three boys, ages 13, 14, and 15, and two girls, ages 13 and 14. No one asked: why didn’t these children’s parents intercept their guns?

On October 14, 2021, a 13-year-old boy and four other juveniles, including three girls, smashed their way into an SUV parked in a Holiday Inn Express outside of Milwaukee. A 47-year-old deaf woman, Sunita Balogun-Olayiwola, interrupted the attempted car theft and drove off in her own car to apprehend the fleeing thieves herself. When she confronted them, they tried to steal her car as well, punching her in the face and slamming her car door in her face as she held on to it. Balogun-Olayiwola fell, and the 13-year-old boy ran over her several times, fatally crushing her skull and ribs. The thieves drove off and used Balogun-Olayiwola’s credit card at a local Walmart. Upon arrest, one of the females, age 14, let it be known that she wanted to keep the deceased’s stolen cell phone. No one asked: where were the parents?

One can maintain that Ethan Crumbley’s intercepted note—“The thoughts won’t stop. Help me”—provided clear warning of his homicidal intent and is sufficient evidence to deem his parents legally responsible for the four deaths. (Ethan’s school counsellors, however, who questioned him and observed his behavior for nearly two hours in their office while he did his science homework, also concluded that he posed no risk to himself or others.) If Ethan’s note is a basis for his parents’ criminal liability, other parents are also on notice that their children are toting around guns as part of a daily culture of street violence. Urban youth routinely post videos flaunting illegal firearms and other contraband. One such video, obtained by Wisconsin Public Radio, shows three young women dancing and laughing while pointing a semi-automatic weapon at the screen. Have their parents confiscated and locked up the gun by now, and if not, why not?

The Crumbleys bought the gun Ethan used legally. Juvenile gangbangers usually get their guns illegally. Complying with gun laws would thus seem to make a parent more susceptible to prosecution than a parent who ignores his child’s illegal acquisition.

There have been 29 shooting incidents on school property this year, including the Ethan Crumbley rampage. Eight students (including Ethan’s four victims) were killed; another 49 people were injured. Contrary to popular perception, the vast majority of those 29 shooting incidents had black perpetrators and black victims. Many involved gang activity. Those shootings were thus of no interest to the press. No one asked how the gunmen got access to their weapons or where their parents were. Contrast those eight student deaths nationally with the toll of urban street violence. In Chicago alone, at least 27 children aged 15 and younger have been killed in drive-by shootings this year, according to the Chicago Sun-Times. More than 100 children have been shot. The toll of drive-bys on children nationally is considerably higher and entirely off the media’s radar screen. On November 6, 2021, for example, 23-month-old Jasper Wu was killed sleeping in his car seat while his mother drove on Interstate 880 in the Bay Area. Neither the mother nor the baby was a target; the stray bullet that killed Jasper erupted from a shootout between the occupants of two nearby cars.

School shootings with white perpetrators and white victims are even rarer than school shootings generally, but they get all the attention. They are irrelevant to the U.S. homicide toll, which last year topped 20,000 victims. (More than half of those 20,000 homicide victims were black, though blacks are less than 13 percent of the population; their killers were overwhelmingly neither whites nor cops, but instead other black civilians.) White-on-white school shootings receive disproportionate attention partly because the media value white life more than black life (except in those vanishingly few instances involving a white shooter and black victim). But saturation coverage of the handful of white-on-white school shootings is also essential to establishing the myth that whites with legal guns, especially those from Trump-voting areas, are the biggest criminal and terror threat today. Never mind that black males between the ages of 14 and 17 commit lethal gun violence at over ten times the rate of white and Hispanic teen males combined.

Parental inattention and irresponsibility account for a large percentage of urban youth victimization as well as of youth crime commission. On Labor Day weekend of this year, a 14-year-old boy in Chicago was shot while standing on a sidewalk at around 3 a.m. by someone who emerged from a car and fled the scene. That same weekend, a 17-year-old boy in Chicago was shot in the back while sitting in a car at about 2 a.m. During the weekend of September 25 in Chicago, a 17-year-old boy was shot in a mass shooting with four victims at 1:40 am. Like Adam Toledo, had they been at home rather than running the streets after midnight, they would likely be alive today. They were victims waiting to happen, and had they not been shot, they may have been in line to commit a similar drive-by themselves. No one called their parents to account.

On July 5, 2021, a six-year-old girl was standing with her mother among a group of people at about 1 a.m. on Chicago’s Far South Side. An SUV drove up and started shooting into the crowd, leaving the girl in critical condition. Perhaps the gathering was innocent, and the mother had no notice of risk. Still, one may rightly ask why a six-year-old is out after midnight.

Many daylight shootings are also predictable. On September 21, 2021, a 15-year-old boy was standing in a strip mall near his South Side high school in Chicago when two people fired at him; after he fell, the shooters continued to unload 20 shots into his body. That boy’s gangster-style death was all but inevitable; his father was killed in a drive-by in 2020. Neither parent kept the teen from gang life and away from guns.

In the afternoon of July 1, 2021, a nine-year-old Chicago girl was shot in the head riding in the back seat of a car with a gang outreach worker, a profession populated by alleged former gang members. Was she properly with the outreach worker, who was also shot? That same day, a one-month-old girl was shot in the head in a mass drive-by shooting on the South Side with six other victims at around 8:15 p.m. In this case, the baby’s presence at the scene may represent no dereliction of parental duty. Similarly outside the range of parental control may have been the Chicago Labor Day weekend shootings of a four-year-old boy who was shot twice in the head while sitting inside his home, a 13-year-old boy shot in the head inside a residence, and a 12-year-old boy and a 15-year-old girl targeted in a drive-by while standing outside a business. While the victims’ parents may not share blame for these particular shootings, the consequences of family breakdown in the inner city are so pervasive that that breakdown plays at least some role in every such shooting. Yet no one with a public platform addresses parental responsibility to get married and stay married while raising children.

Youth disorder is on the rise. This past Saturday night, December 4, anarchic flash mobs swarmed downtown Chicago’s Magnificent Mile. A bus driver was lured out of his bus and savagely beaten by two teens; two officers were injured trying to control the crowds; and a 12-year-old girl was shot in the back. The bullet ruptured her kidney and spleen. A 15-year-old boy was shot less than three hours later. The girl’s mother claims she had no idea that her daughter was in downtown Chicago that night and that once the daughter arrived back home on Sunday night, neither she nor her daughter knew that the daughter had been shot.

The country turns its eyes away from this mayhem and the social dysfunction that it represents, terrified that both are beyond any solution. The media follow strict rules of concealment: the race of black perpetrators may not be mentioned, the race of white perpetrators is always relevant. On Thursday, December 2, a felon stabbed an Italian computer science student to death in Manhattan’s Riverside Park; minutes later, he stabbed an Italian tourist. The New York Times buried the story on page A16 and remained silent about the race of the suspect and his victim. Above the Times story was an article about jury selection in the manslaughter trial of a Minnesota police officer who fatally shot Daunte Wright in April 2021 after mistaking her gun for a taser. The Times carefully laid out the racial configuration: “Ms. Potter, who is white,” and “Mr. Wright, who was Black.” Likewise, the suspects in the murders of two Chinese graduate students at the University of Chicago this year have no race, as far as the media is concerned. Eighty-eight percent of all interracial violence between whites and blacks is committed by blacks against whites, yet only in those rare instances of white-on-black crime will the race of the assailant be reported. Coverage of the killing of six holiday celebrants at a Wisconsin Christmas parade on November 21 by a man who plowed his car into the crowd faded out after the police released the suspect’s identity: Darrell Brooks is black (and on the record as anti-white). Had a white person (let alone one with such a trail of racial animosity) driven into a Martin Luther King Day celebration, the round-the-clock coverage would have lasted for weeks.

These double standards help no one. Society should have a colorblind norm of parental responsibility and of the duty to obey the law. If the Crumbley parents are found guilty of involuntary manslaughter, there are many more parents out there whose passivity in the face of likely lawlessness deserves equally strict scrutiny.

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